I hope there’s a third one. I don’t know if I want to see a continuation from established characters or a new set of protagonists.
I do know I prefer a more more vast urban settings like the majority of 2. I don’t think I’d prefer a time period, before the first game, over something after TLOU 1 or 2. Doing it post 2 would open up possibilities of newer mutations of the infected and more established factions/colonies.
NYC + Long Island, Philly, DC/Baltimore, or Chicago would be crazy to explore with all the vertically and brownstones. Georgia or Virginia would be a good mix of mountains/hills/forests + urban/suburban settings. The Carolinas too with their coastline. I don’t know if I’d enjoy California so much after exploring some of the housing in Santa Barbara. San Francisco + the rest of the Bay would wild, now that I think about it.