I am a black South Carolinian. Here’s why I support the Confederate flag.

Jul 26, 2012
There was no time in history where that flag wasn't used to subjugate Black people. I don't know who that flag could possibly be honoring.

I'll play... If that's the case, the same applies to the AMERICAN flag...... so I'll ask yall lil fukk nikkas again, when you go to your favorite collegiate team's sporting event, or to a professional sporting event.... will you stand, and place your hand over your heart for the star spangled banner........ :sas1:

If so, then miss me with these symbolic gestures of progress you HOEMOTIONAL nikkas feed off of... shyt it is a hoe trait and unbecoming


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
I'll play... If that's the case, the same applies to the AMERICAN flag...... so I'll ask yall lil fukk nikkas again, when you go to your favorite collegiate team's sporting event, or to a professional sporting event.... will you stand, and place your hand over your heart for the star spangled banner........ :sas1:

If so, then miss me with these symbolic gestures of progress you HOEMOTIONAL nikkas feed off of... shyt it is a hoe trait and unbecoming
You seem angry. What is it about Blacks not supporting other Blacks supporting the Confederate Flag striking a nerve in you? Do YOU stand up for the American flag? Do you support the Confederate flag? You seem more upset about this, than you did about the Shootings.
Jul 26, 2012
You seem angry. What is it about Blacks not supporting other Blacks supporting the Confederate Flag striking a nerve in you? Do YOU stand up for the American flag? Do you support the Confederate flag?

:pachaha: I see what I'm dealing with now............ You didn't even answer my initial question....... play this shyt with these octoroons and crackers on here...... and btw........ and no.... I'm the quite the opposite of angry..... only types like yourself would determine that a discussion between strangers over a wire would result in someone getting angry...... :laugh:


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
:pachaha: I see what I'm dealing with now............ You didn't even answer my initial question....... play this shyt with these octoroons and crackers on here...... and btw........ and no.... I'm the quite the opposite of angry..... only types like yourself would determine that a discussion between strangers over a wire would result in someone getting angry...... :laugh:
You're right, the American flag is also a symbol of imperialism and bigotry. No doubt about that.
Jul 26, 2012
You're right, the American flag is also a symbol of imperialism and bigotry. No doubt about that.

Life is about compromising and choosing battles... .So yeah... If Auburn makes it to the SEC championship this year, and I buy tickets.... I'm standing...... to keep the peace and fight another day......

Also... I'll be at a few UAB home basketball games this year as well.........:pachaha: I'll be standing then too
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All Star
Jun 18, 2015
WTF???? It's from Wikipedia you dumbass..... :dahell: that's not a slave's opinions it's historical FACT!!! :pacspit:

Stop being emotional. And thank you for making me read it. I will point out opinion along the way:

Four years ago, I became a national news story after I hung a Confederate flag in my dorm room window at the University of South Carolina Beaufort. Controversy wasn’t my intention. For me and many Southerners, the flag celebrates my heritage and regional pride. One of my ancestors, Benjamin Thomas, was a black Confederate cook, and I do not want to turn my back on his service to the South (Was his ancestor only trying to make a living? Did his ancestor believe in the Confederacy? The guy that wrote this is injecting his own beliefs as if his ancestor stood for the ideals of the Confederacy, when there is a large possibility of his ancestor not standing for those ideals, so using this as a reason is asinine). So I hang the flag in honor of his hard work and dedication to South Carolina (he did not fight, nor does this fool have evidence that his ancestor stood for those ideals; he was a cook. One step away from becoming a slave.) during the Civil War.

My Confederate flag isn’t racist; after all, I am black (Being black representing something that wanted your blackness to be in shackles isn't indicative of that 'something' not being racist. The logical pitfall here is too damn obvious.). I’m also an American who strongly believes in the constitutional right to free speech (So do I, but only for rational people) . I fought back against the university’s demand that I take my flag down simply because others view it as a symbol of racism. I fought back against the racist interpretation of the flag and I won.

Now there’s a similar debate about the Confederate flag that flies over South Carolina’s statehouse. In the wake ofthe Charleston church shooting and pictures of the accused killer posing with the Confederate flag, people have demanded the flag be permanently removed from the statehouse grounds. I deeply respect and honor the nine people whose lives were lost in that church, who died with love in their hearts even though evil was among them. I felt that lowering the flag would give power to the racist terrorist who killed them. For a long time, it bothered me that every time someone raised the Confederate flag, someone else fought to have it removed. Racists hijacked the Confederate flag (The confederacy stood for slavery as the South made the bulk of its money off of the backs of slaves. This is a historical fact, not an opinion. so the Confederate flag is a symbol of the continuation of blacks being held in bondage, and it honors those times. If someone holds another group bondage in slavery for their own financial gain or prosperity that person or group of people are racist. If you don't think they are racist, you are ignorant and need to start reading more books instead of listening to whites all the damn time.), and by effectively banning it on college campuses and government grounds, we would allow them to keep it.

But my perspective has changed (Opinion; acknowledging that all of what was said above was an opinion piece with deep, historical inaccuracies and downright lies). Inher speech this week calling for state legislators to remove the flag from the statehouse grounds, Gov. Nikki Haley spoke of unity. She equally acknowledged the pain and the pride that the flag holds for South Carolinians. She noted how debate over the flag was hurting the state’s soul. “We are not going to allow this symbol to divide us any longer,” she said. “The fact that it causes pain to so many is enough to move it from the capitol grounds.”
I love the Confederate flag, but I love South Carolina and its citizens more. While the flag’s existence on the statehouse grounds never offended me — and it still does not today — I can’t ignore the deep pain that it causes for many people in my state. I can’t ignore that many can’t love South Carolina (Cannot love something that honors the time where your people were held bondage for a few dollars because they thought, and still think, you are nothing more than half-humanoid apes meant to work as a slave.) as I do until the flag is removed. Continuing to let it fly at our capitol could incite the kind of protests and violence that have erupted in other states that ignore the pain of some of its citizens. I don’t want to see fires, looting and violence in our streets simply because we refuse to let go of symbols of our past. That kind of demonstration would be out of line with the friendly and patrioticcharacter of South Carolina (there was nothing "patriotic" about the Confederacy).

Taking down the Confederate flag does not mean supporters of the flag have lost. It’s a message that we refuse to allow the people who use the flag as a symbol of hate to divide us.
We may never completely agree on whether the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism or pride, (This guy is delusional. It is a clear-cut symbol of racism; the Confederacy's symbol prioritized the subjugation of Blacks for its own profit. To not understand this, is a gross neglect of intellect, or in other words, flat out stupidity.) and whether the Civil War was fought primarily over slavery or state’s rights. But South Carolinians should turn their focus to what we do agree on: that we are citizens of the greatest country in the world and the most patriotic state in the nation. As such, just two banners should fly over our statehouse grounds: the South Carolina flag and the American flag.

Regardless of what happens at the statehouse, I will continue to hang the Confederate flag in my apartment. Because of that decision, I’ve been called “an Uncle Tom” and “a sellout,” and accused of despising my race. Let me be clear: I love the skin that I am in. God gave me my skin color (Natural selection is the cause of that, not God.), but he also gave me freedom to think for myself and the right to stand by my beliefs (You believe in a white God and stand for the beliefs of whites. You cannot think for yourself, all you are is a slave. You don't even know it.). My skin color should not determine how I think (Your skin color and lineage are what determines how you are treated in a white supremacist structure.), what I believe and what flags I hang in my home. This process should teach us all to respect the beliefs of others (I don't respect the beliefs of a slave or racists, and I never will.). I hope those who view the Confederate flag as a symbol of hate will keep open minds to those who view it as a symbol of Southern heritage and history, regardless of their race (Like I said, "musings of a damn slave").

That's why I said I didn't want to read it.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
Life is about compromising and choosing battles... .So yeah... If Auburn makes it to the SEC championship this year, and I buy tickets.... I'm standing...... to keep the peace and fight another day......

Also... If I'll be at a few UAB home basketball games this year as well.........:pachaha: I'll be standing then too

But the dude in the OP ain't compromising. No ones making him show reverence for the Confederate Flag, he's doing it on his own. I'm sure most posters on here don't show that kinda reverence for the American flag, and aren't blissfully ignorant of its history. The difference is, this is AMERICA. There's absolutely NO way anyone can convince the US government to take down the flag of this country. That's impossible, and it wouldn't make sense. This is America. Take your lumps with that one. That's the REAL compromise. But willfully showing reverence to the Confederate Flag, in a country that doesn't require you show any loyalty to said flag, is hella diffirent than Black folks reciting the pledge of allegiance or standing for the American flag at sporting events. Refusing to do the latter, might get you accosted.



Aug 29, 2012
So why not hang a painting of the actual dude your trying to honor?

They wasn't wasting the white mans ink on slaves.

They didn't even commission black men In the confederacy until the last few months of the war. They damn sure wasn't gonna make them officers to cook grits. Hell even the Union army black soldiers were damn near slaves.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Meh, we're doomed and I came to that realization a year ago. Black people are scum and sick, we enjoy being a joke to the world, that goes for black people all over the WORLD. There is no fixing it or denying it.

I'm not gonna say black folk around the world are doomed. But for us in the usa... shyt is really not looking good.

The little kid holding that flag...:snoop:


All Star
Jun 18, 2015
No one is forcing you to!!! :mindblown:

I wasn't paying attention, and for some reason I got you mixed up with the OP. My bad. Originally, I was talking about the thread title, "I am a black South Carolinian. Here's why I support the Confederate flag."
Jul 26, 2012
But willfully showing reverence to the Confederate Flag, in a country that doesn't require you show any loyalty to said flag, is hella diffirent than Black folks reciting the pledge of allegiance or standing for the American flag at sporting events. Refusing to do the latter, might get you accosted.

If this story is even true.... he's attempting to show reverence to an ancestor, not a flag...... and as for the bolded.....being principled only when there is no consequences......... :laugh: well... we don't even have to go into that now do we.....


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
If this story is even true.... he's attempting to show reverence to an ancestor, not a flag...... and as for the bolded.....being principled only when there is no consequences......... :laugh: well... we don't even have to go into that now do we.....
Reverence to an ancestors GOVERNMENT. I mean, if he wants to reduce the legacy of his ancestor to a flag of his ancestors oppressors, than.......
