I have no problem with individuals flying whatever flag they want outside their home.
But I can't believe the state still does it. wtf.... America won the civil war. We're America. Da fuq kind of shyt is flying your enemies' flag 150 years after you beat them in a war.
"we're America".

GTFO, we're Black America, don't group yourself with cacs. This was a conflict between North and South cacs, but believe me, both sides are racist. Don't suck North dikk just cos South more racist. The Confederacy lives on among millions, they just can't enslave nikkas. But that flag ain't goin nowhere.
See, Coli, this guy is a c00n. Not someone who happens to fukk wit white broads.
BOTH are c00ns, dumbfukk.
But the dude in the OP ain't compromising. No ones making him show reverence for the Confederate Flag, he's doing it on his own. I'm sure most posters on here don't show that kinda reverence for the American flag, and aren't blissfully ignorant of its history. The difference is, this is AMERICA. There's absolutely NO way anyone can convince the US government to take down the flag of this country. That's impossible, and it wouldn't make sense. This is America. Take your lumps with that one. That's the REAL compromise. But willfully showing reverence to the Confederate Flag, in a country that doesn't require you show any loyalty to said flag, is hella diffirent than Black folks reciting the pledge of allegiance or standing for the American flag at sporting events. Refusing to do the latter, might get you accosted.

There IS a way we can make the government take down the u.s. flag, anything is possible. Don't be weak. And it would make sense, the flag is shyt. We don't have to take our lumps with that one.
Don't tell me you fear being accosted for doing the right thing. Refusing to recite the "pledge" or honor the u.s. flag, is the right thing. Vescey is right that it's hypocritical to hate the KKKonfederate Flag, but not the AmeriKKKa flag. BOTH are shyt and should not be honored. If someone accosts you, report them to security. Don't ever bow down to cacs.
But Vescey is gay if he gon honor that flag just cos his team won, that makes no sense.
Y'all better #StayWoke
...and if y'all do wanna play militant and stay seated. ..be ready to possibly catch a good ole US of A a$$ whoopin. ..
#StayWoke and #StaySafe
We ain't catchin no ass whoopin, we are gonna stay seated and cacs will deal with it.
What's sad is if he was in that church that white man would have shot his ass dead too.
I wish he was in that church