I'm not entirely concerned with legs. I've been steadily increasing my chest weights ever since I started working out 3 months ago. I couldn't even do 130 but I'm up to do 195 breh. And I do cardio & some minor leg workouts on Tue & Thurs.
Please tell me what to do with my routine I'm pretty much doing whatever.
My diet is eat as much meat as possible & protein shakes.
Sleep is not always at the same time I mostly get enough of it but sometimes I miss sleep.
Please drop some knowledge.
for one, start doing leg work. Start low and build up.
Squat atleast once a week, and Deadlift atleast once a week. Strong base = strong lifts
it pays off. imo hit your chest only twice a week and try to add 5lbs each week. Others have had success doing reverse pyramids
if you arent already, start including Overhead press somewhere in there
i figure a 3-4 day split hitting Horizontal push/pull, vertical push/pull alternating would be good
i cant stress it enough but atleast 2 days you need some sort of leg work. Especially deadlifts.
For your chest exercises, Bench obviously but instead of doing dips for reps. Lower the reps and start doing them weighted
For back, Pendlay Rows and start doing chinups weighted as opposed to for reps(IE 3x5 or 3x8)
the big thing regardless what you do is always have a progressive load, either youre adding weight or adding reps. Once you arent doing either you basically stalling.