Joel Anthony Hoping To Retire With Heat
Aug 31, 2013 11:28 PM EDT
Joel Anthony has two seasons left on his contract with the Miami Heat, and the veteran center is hoping to retire with the organization that brought him into the NBA in 2007.
"Of course I want to retire with Miami," Anthony said. "It's the team that gave me the opportunity, the team that I've played my six years on in the NBA and there's no reason for me to leave."
Anthony has been part of back-to-back titles with the Heat.
"It's not an issue of whether you're going to play or get minutes, the most important thing is that we went out to win a championship," Anthony said. "That's my goal. At the start of the season I'm not thinking if I'm going to get minutes or not, instead it's about getting that title. As that goal was reached, there's no reason to go anywhere else."
Anthony averaged 1.4 points, 1.9 rebounds and less than a block in 62 games last season.
Gonzalo Aguirregomezcorta/ESPN Deportes
Joel about to reup next year discounted.

I have a feeling he is going to sign a contract that pays Miami back the money they overpaid him on the last contract.