Hour 61 now. And of course other houses in the community have power. Why couldn't we be on their grid? Generator stopped working. Running out of food, other than potato chips. House stinks of sweat, dog piss, and heat. Might just day fukk it and take a shower and go hunt for supplies and food. To keep me entertained, I've been reading old comic books I have. Not like superhero ones but the newspaper comics. As in The Boondocks. I read one book and now I'm on the second. The book is called "A Right To Be Hostile". What a fitting title for my current mood.
Then to top it off, my vacation request got denied for the end of October. Don't know if Irma did any damage to Universal Resort or legoland but I'm already pissed enough as is. I'm so vulnerable right now that I might just turn in my keys the day before and go on vacation with no fukks given. I have enough money saved up and bout to pay off my car plus will have my credit card debt lowered by then, if not all, I still have money saved up to pay that. Shoot, I got about six weeks vacation I can get paid out. I can stop working for the last two months of the year and manage ok. Maybe take that time to learn a new skill or two. That's how little a fukk I give about this bullshyt job. The future is looking grim. Got me feeling
