Some hard truths in this video.
You'll likely never get an Xbox fanboy to admit it but the Xbox division as a whole is a complete and utter failure. Had it been any other company that made Xbox the division likely would be shuttered. 21 years in and Microsoft overall has never made an overall profit off the brand. They admitted that in the Epic vs Apple case. Has Microsoft in 21 years even internally developed a meaningful franchise in console gaming? I guess Forza but stuff like Gears of War came from Epic Games and Halo / Bungie concept predate Microsoft purchasing them. I guess I can maybe halfheartedly say Fable? Part of me wonders why Xbox is so special to Microsoft. This company did things like terminate Windows Phone but has continued to allow Xbox to exist bleeding billions from the balance sheet overall.
Despite all that gaming needs Xbox now more than ever. If they can't get this brand to be competitive again that's it. We will have a single company completely own the sector of the market they cater to answering only to themselves. Nintendo and Sony have different primary target customers and really aren't competing with each other, the crossover sectors of their audience have no issue being customers of both. No other company really wants to compete in console gaming anymore.
YouTube is just a prime example of why that's not a good thing.