How will Joe Biden GOVERN? General Biden Administration F**kery Thread


May 23, 2012
Imo this is how biden's term finishes. GOP wins house and Senate.

Kills 1/6 investigation

Tries to impeach Biden

Government gets nothing done in his last 2 yrs.

Dems pull their normal fake outrage about policy

He doesn't run again and GOP wins POTUS

So a rinse, wash, repeat of what happened to Obama with the investigation on 1/6th replaced by Iraq accountability and impeachment attempt being replaced by Benghazi investigations...that sounds about right to me. Same pattern but with potentially less accomplished depending on if BBB gets passed or not.


Nov 20, 2014
All bc Sinema and Manchin are obstructing his agenda

The GOP weaponized vaccines, critical race theory, and election fraud (that actually didn't take place)

Biden and company have a yr to make progress on strong messaging, advancing his agenda, and making inroads with voters on issues that they care about

This is a last gasp of white supremacy in the US before the country begins electing a multicultural congress
With Gerrymandering the GOP isn't going anywhere and I'd say the fascists and white supremacists have grown stronger. Just look at the GOP compared to the last five years


All Star
Nov 17, 2016
Sigh. White people wilin' out again. I'm reading dumber and dumber things every day from these people. I guess it won't stop until the 2022 and 2024 elections. And then start back up after a year.

A lot of these people are self-described "moderates" and "Democrats" who will need to vote for a Republican because they are triggered by the words "trans" and "critical race theory."

Is there a secret microchip in the brains of white people that starts making them spaz out on timers?


Nov 19, 2016
Sigh. White people wilin' out again. I'm reading dumber and dumber things every day from these people. I guess it won't stop until the 2022 and 2024 elections. And then start back up after a year.

A lot of these people are self-described "moderates" and "Democrats" who will need to vote for a Republican because they are triggered by the words "trans" and "critical race theory."

Is there a secret microchip in the brains of white people that starts making them spaz out on timers?
White people want to be victims so bad they create scenarios that makes their lives worse.

It's their favorite hobby. :pachaha:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Sigh. White people wilin' out again. I'm reading dumber and dumber things every day from these people. I guess it won't stop until the 2022 and 2024 elections. And then start back up after a year.

A lot of these people are self-described "moderates" and "Democrats" who will need to vote for a Republican because they are triggered by the words "trans" and "critical race theory."

Is there a secret microchip in the brains of white people that starts making them spaz out on timers?
White people want to be victims so bad they create scenarios that makes their lives worse.

It's their favorite hobby. :pachaha:
My only hope sometimes is that i'm from a black city :snoop:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Democrats must look beyond Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for 2024

Janan Ganesh yesterday
5-6 minutes
The party’s historic deference to establishment candidates invites losing to Donald Trump

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House. It is not too soon for Democrats (and democrats) to start worrying about 2024 © Tom Brenner/Bloomberg
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For weeks after she was sworn in as vice-president, an Italian restaurant in Washington displayed no fewer than 10 portraits of Kamala Harris across its patio. Spread over half a block, the pictures tracked her life from student to state office holder to next in line for the grandest job on Earth. Older Washingtonians can tell you if Dan Quayle received the same billing.

Harris’s case is an odd one. Democrats dearly want to believe she is a plausible winner of the White House in 2024, when Joe Biden will turn 82. At the same time, whispered qualms abound. Bad reviews of her public performances can be put down to taste. Gossip about strained relations with the president could be idle.

Harder to forget is the fact that she quit the party’s 2020 primaries early for lack of funds — some feat for a California senator. Among those who outlasted her was the mayor of Indiana’s fourth-largest city. At times, it is hard to know what is more troubling: that her presumptive-nominee status is fading, or that it is holding up.

It is not too soon for Democrats (and democrats) to start worrying about 2024. Absent health or legal trouble, a twice-impeached Donald Trump is the likeliest Republican candidate. If he is to lose again, the alternative will have to sell well in Michigan, Wisconsin and other decisive states. It is not clear that Harris or, after three more years of wear and tear, even Biden will meet that test. Everything about the Democratic party’s ingrained culture suggests it will field one of the two regardless.

In its internal politics, the party is not so much left or right as deferential. Biden and Hillary Clinton, its past two White House hopefuls, were the establishment or at least default picks. Al Gore in 2000, the outgoing vice-president, was another whose turn it simply was. John Kerry was the grandee in the so-so field of four years later. It took the lustre of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to buck the party’s innate drift to convention. No one of their gifts is likely to show up before 2024.

The liberal urge to curtsy goes beyond politics to culture. It was there in the fawning over “Camelot”, that tellingly feudal shorthand for the Kennedys in the 1960s. It was there in the idealised president of The West Wing, a Founding Father-descended moral giant and crack linguist who no doubt took stray cats in, too.

As odd as it was to walk past, the Harris portraits were of a piece with the wider need of liberals to make heroes of their leaders. For the most part, it is harmlessly weird. Every four years, it can cause political ruin. This is a party that would let Harris or a shrunken Biden fight the next election to avoid the unconscionable lèse majesté of a contested primary.

In normal times, the Democrats might be left to get on with it. But an election in which Trump is on the ballot is existential for the whole system of constitutional government. Exactly a year on from his defeat to Biden, he still disputes it. Were he to repeat the trick in 2024, there might be a Republican Congress to assist him. What passes for the party’s anti-Trump wing thins out by the month. Of the 10 Republicans in the House of Representatives who voted to impeach him in January, two are standing down (“Eight to go,” says Trump).

In other words, mere victory over Trump is not certain to be enough: an incontestably large margin might be necessary. The Democrats have to put themselves in the minds of those legion voters who want to avoid a Trump revanche, but not at any cost. In the near term, that means taking immigration as seriously as the eternal saga of Biden’s spending bills. Before long, it will mean confronting the question of personnel.

A hotly contested primary in the incumbent party would be rare. A better candidate than Harris or a then octogenarian Biden (Trump, just three years younger, wears his age better) may not even be on hand. Whatever the teleologists say, a nation’s history can hinge on the right person showing up at an opportune time, or failing to. Senator Amy Klobuchar, transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg, congresswoman Ayanna Pressley: none of the mooted challengers emits a “person of destiny” aura.

But that has to be tested, not assumed. The alternative is that Trump faces a beatable opponent through sheer Democratic inertia. In scouting for a candidate, the party must be open-minded. The hopefuls must be sharp-elbowed. The stakes are as large as anything the party might legislate before then. Tuesday’s Virginia governor election has revived the trope that US politicians campaign too much and govern too little. Democrats should beware the inverse sin.

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Apr 30, 2012
Sigh. White people wilin' out again. I'm reading dumber and dumber things every day from these people. I guess it won't stop until the 2022 and 2024 elections. And then start back up after a year.

A lot of these people are self-described "moderates" and "Democrats" who will need to vote for a Republican because they are triggered by the words "trans" and "critical race theory."

Is there a secret microchip in the brains of white people that starts making them spaz out on timers?
The chip is white supremacy.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
First of all, they were SUED by the ACLU. This was not some proposed item.


Biden Says Payments to Families Separated at the Mexico Border Are ‘Not Gonna Happen’
President dismisses reports of DOJ talks to settle suits by families separated while illegally crossing border with payments of $450,000 a person
By , and
Nov. 3, 2021 6:01 pm ET

President Biden said Wednesday that the U.S. won’t pay immigrant families separated at the southern border as much as $450,000 a person to settle legal claims related to emotional distress.
Photo: Susan Walsh/Associated Press
WASHINGTON—President Biden said the U.S. wasn’t going to pay immigrant families who were separated at the Mexico border during the Trump administration, throwing into doubt settlements the Justice Department has been negotiating to resolve legal claims by the families.

“That’s not going to happen,” Mr. Biden told reporters at the White House on Wednesday.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week, citing people familiar with the matter, that officials at the departments of Justice, Homeland Security and Health and Human Services were in talks to pay around $450,000 a person to settle lawsuits filed on behalf of the families, who say they suffered trauma from being separated in 2018 while illegally crossing the border.

The people familiar with the matter have said the talks are ongoing and the final numbers could shift. Most of the families that crossed the border from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, which could mean payments close to $1 million per family. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.


A border detention facility in Tornillo, Texas, where staffers led immigrant children in a single-file line between tents in 2018.
Photo: mike blake/Reuters
Asked Wednesday by a reporter whether the prospect of the payments would encourage more migrants to try to cross into the U.S., Mr. Biden said, “If you guys keep sending that garbage out, yeah. But it’s not true.”

The White House referred questions about the president’s remarks to the Justice Department, which said it “will not comment on ongoing litigation.”

“President Biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department as it carefully deliberated and considered the crimes committed against thousands of families separated from their children as an intentional governmental policy,” said Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is involved in the litigation. “But if he follows through on what he said, the president is abandoning a core campaign promise to do justice for the thousands of separated families.”

Republicans have indicated they would make the issue of the payments a line of attack in next year’s midterm elections. Eleven Republican senators on Monday asked Mr. Biden to halt the settlement talks, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called the proposal absurd.

About 940 claims have been filed so far by families that were separated, and government officials aren’t sure how many more will come forward or prove eligible under the potential settlement.

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By pursuing a settlement, the government is seeking to avoid trials that could be even costlier, according to some lawyers who have experience with large-scale cases involving alleged emotional distress.

Democrats have expressed mixed views about the proposed settlement. Arizona Rep. Raúl Grijalva said earlier this week he believed it was one way to address the wrongs of the Trump era. Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, considered one of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats, has said he had concerns about the amount of money at stake.

As part of the Republican Trump administration’s so-called zero-tolerance enforcement policy, immigration agents separated thousands of children, ranging from infants to teenagers, from their parents at the southern border in 2018 after they had crossed illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S.

In some cases, families were forcefully broken up with no provisions to track and later reunite them, government investigations found. The lawsuits allege some of the children suffered from a range of ailments, including heat exhaustion and malnutrition; some were kept in freezing-cold rooms and provided little medical attention.

In his first weeks in office, Mr. Biden pledged to reunite the separated families, describing those actions undertaken by the Trump administration a “moral and national shame.”

Write to Aruna Viswanatha at, Sadie Gurman at and Andrew Restuccia at