How will Joe Biden GOVERN? General Biden Administration F**kery Thread

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
Either defend your point like a man or keep quiet.
You're bringing up the fact that Republicans will sensationalize stuff that most people except for Republican voters don't care about :comeon:

Hunter Biden? :comeon:

Afghanistan? Most Americans wanted to get of there :comeon:

Gas prices? We're in a pandemic that's the reason prices are higher. Only idiots and smooth-brained Trumptards think otherwise :comeon:

The only one that has some semblance of working against Democrats is crime and even then, that's not going to a guarantee a Republican red wave in the midterms or in 2024 :comeon:

Just stop bringing up nonsense :comeon:
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Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Its like you guys don't learn at all.

Think of every scandal and disaster Trump had in his 4 years. Yet he only lost relection by like 45,000 votes.

Voters are stupid. Voters are gullible. Dems suck at messaging. GOP are experts at fear mongering and manufactured outrage.


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
You're bringing up the fact that Republicans will sensationalize stuff that most people except for Republican voters don't care about :comeon:

Hunter Biden? :comeon:

Afghanistan? Most Americans wanted to get of there :comeon:

Gas prices? We're in pandemic that's the reason prices are higher. Only idiots and smooth-brained Trumptards think otherwise :comeon:

The only one that has some semblance of working against Democrats is crime and even then, that's not going to a guarantee a Republican red wave in the midterms or in 2024 :comeon:

Just stop bringing up nonsense :comeon:
To expect the idiots that make up a majority of this country to have a nuanced position on high gas prices and high crime is some pie in the sky thinking. When the Republicans win back the House next year, they will not play nice. They will dig on these issues over and over again not only to excite their base but also to nip away at Independent voters. I don't know where you get your confidence in Dems to be deft enough to win the messaging on this and, at the same time, continue with the trajectory of the Biden agenda.

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
Its like you guys don't learn at all.

Think of every scandal and disaster Trump had in his 4 years. Yet he only lost relection by like 45,000 votes.

Voters are stupid. Voters are gullible. Dems suck at messaging. GOP are experts at fear mongering and manufactured outrage.
You got it, my guy :pachaha:

To expect the idiots that make up a majority of this country to have a nuanced position on high gas prices and high crime is some pie in the sky thinking. When the Republicans win back the House next year, they will not play nice. They will dig on these issues over and over again not only to excite their base but also to nip away at Independent voters. I don't know where you get your confidence in Dems to be deft enough to win the messaging on this and, at the same time, continue with the trajectory of the Biden agenda.
Nobody was talking about Democrats and messaging :dwillhuh: :mjlol:

Anyways, enjoy your day breh :obama: :hubie:


Jan 28, 2013
I see your point, but I see it differently. No use dragging out helping corrupt quagmires just to protect a citizenry that refuses to do it themselves.

It’s more comparable to South Vietnam due to the nature of why we were there, length, and what transpired after we left.

It really comes down to the will and ability to fight. It’s the same thing in this country when it comes to COVID. Not enough people are selfless enough to sacrifice their comfort to benefit the country as a whole, so everyone suffers instead of benefitting from the sacrifice. We have stupid people wanting to be as smart as doctors and scientists. They have greedy people who want to be politically in charge or high ranking military officials.

Israel would rather go out swinging than allow their geopolitical enemies to overrun them (Hence the 6 Days War). Don’t get me wrong, Israel has become a bully country but that’s because they’ve taken the resources that have been given to them and maximized results.

But let’s look at other nations who have been in the same boat. Not Latin American, African and Caribbean countries that we attempt to meddle and control with puppets. But instead countries we gave tools and money to build back better (See what I did there). Japan rebuilt their economy. South Korea still relies on us for some security, but has a more than robust economy and eschews corruption. Germany, same.

We dumped trillions of dollars that we could have easily used for our infrastructure/education system/battle climate change, only not to destroy the enemy for them (Don’t get me started on Tora Bora). We have engaged in nation building while trying to keep the Taliban marginalized as well as attempt to bring them in as honest brokers so that the other group could be a massive check. We’ve given their military everything we possibly could. And it’s still not enough. We have them time. And it still wasn’t enough. There aren’t enough of them willing to battle to maintain their society.

But also in both Vietnam and Afghanistan, we’ve extracted as much of the resources that we could want (Capitalist Business Interests) without worrying that there would be panic in the streets. The money isn’t in defending them any longer because the American public has said no more. And if they can’t fight to keep their marketplaces and trade system open for commerce, then business will find another marketplace to dump products and trade within. That’s the part of capitalism people forget about….. the battles using guns, tanks and planes to allow the good and services to be allocated and distributed in relative safety (or the illusion of it). But that’s only to a point.

The State Department is negotiating with the Taliban, just as we did with Viet Cong, to not target Americans while we withdraw. Because they are the true fighters in their country. The always have been. This was always the end result without putting more American citizens in the meat grinder. They would be glad to have us do it while they benefit.

The Afghani Army is a farce. They have the training. They have the weaponry. They’ve even had the money and focus on education and economics from our government and private interests. They aren’t the fighters of their country. They’ve lived in relative comfort with our help. If they let Kabul fall, it’s not our fault. It’s exclusively the Afghan government, their Army, and their citizens.

Just like the South Vietnamese. And sadly, just like the current incarnation of the United States.

:ehh: I see your point


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Hey, Democrats, in case you missed it: Your team’s doing a great job
Eugene Robinson
5-6 minutes
It’s time to entertain the possibility that President Biden, Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi actually know what they’re doing and are really good at their jobs.

Their fellow Democrats seem to have doubts, because, well, Democrats always have doubts. Dwelling on worst-case scenarios is somehow wired into the party’s DNA. Every victory must have some downside; every step forward must lead toward some potential pitfall. If worrying had been an Olympic sport in Tokyo, Democrats would have swept gold, silver and bronze.

This angst is richly nourished by voluminous news media analysis and commentary adhering to the convention of anticipating what might go wrong. What if progressives in the House won’t swallow hard and vote for the “hard infrastructure” bill passed by the Senate? What if House moderates insist on a quick vote on the Senate measure and threaten to withhold their votes on the budget with its huge “human infrastructure” spending? What if an asteroid strikes before Biden can sign these transformational pieces of legislation into law?

Let me suggest that Democrats squelch their inner Eeyore for just a moment to appreciate, and celebrate, what their party has accomplished.

There was no way, said the conventional wisdom, that Schumer (D-N.Y.) was going to get Republicans to support any kind of meaningful infrastructure bill. There was no way the bipartisan gang of senators trying to craft a compromise measure would succeed. There was no way Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) would allow anything on infrastructure to pass, thus giving Biden a win. There was no way more than a handful of Republican senators would defy all the threats streaming from Mar-a-Lago and collaborate with Democrats on anything.

Yet here we are. Nineteen Republicans — including McConnell — joined every Senate Democrat in approving $1 trillion worth of desperately needed infrastructure spending. Included are not just funds to fix roads and bridges, but also big money to provide broadband Internet to Americans who can’t afford it; upgrade the power grid in ways that facilitate the switch to renewable energy; and create a coast-to-coast network of electric-vehicle charging stations.

Okay, but there was no way (according to the conventionally wise) that the whole Senate Democratic caucus, from Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on the left to Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) on the right, would agree on a budget framework. Yet they did, and the massive $3.5 trillion resolution — which Democrats can pass through the reconciliation process, without GOP votes — addresses all the party’s major spending priorities, including the urgent need to address climate change.

Well, said worrywarts, there was absolutely, positively no way that the creaking, dysfunctional Senate could possibly do both those things — infrastructure and the budget — at the same time, as Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Democrats were demanding. Yet, again, that is precisely what Schumer accomplished. Done and done.

So now we’re hearing that the hard part actually lies ahead, because Pelosi will inevitably face an uprising by her progressives, her moderates or both. Indeed, this could happen. But I would submit that Pelosi’s record demonstrates she knows a lot more about how to get the House to do what she needs than any of the Cassandras predicting her certain failure.

I would also submit that Democrats in both chambers are acting quite pragmatically, regardless of what they might be saying. Sanders’s first hope was for $6 trillion; he settled for $3.5 trillion. Manchin now says even that smaller amount is too much — but he voted for it anyway. Progressives in the House are vocal in their demands — they pushed Biden into extending the eviction moratorium — but thus far, at least, they have given Pelosi their votes when it counted.

Democrats should realize that if you add in the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which gives unprecedented support to low- and middle-income families with children, Biden is steering the most progressive sea change in U.S. governance in half a century. And he, Schumer and Pelosi are doing this with a 50-50 Senate and just a single-digit majority in the House. I, for one, am impressed.

All right, if you must worry about something, worry about voting rights. Schumer is now working with Manchin, Raphael G. Warnock (D-Ga.) and a few other senators to draw up a voting rights bill the whole Senate Democratic caucus will support. There may come a point when Manchin has to decide whether to let the Republican minority filibuster — and kill — a measure he himself wrote. He could make the wrong choice.

But for now, Democrats, give yourself at least a few days to admire all that is being accomplished. For a change, take yes for an answer.


Nov 20, 2014
defund the police is stupid politically and in real life

only people on the internet that face no threat from random acts of violence promote this nonsense
It's federal government overreacting. It's just like the people who say the government just needs to give the cops more training and money. Like that has worked the last thousand times it's been tried


Nov 19, 2016
Only people worried about hunter Biden are lost nikkas who think they can convince their smooth brained coworkers and neighbors they can be better peoplem