Two things,
@wire28 was shyt posting. He decided to do what he accuses progressives of doing. He made a bad post about people finding bad things in the dude's past that should prevent him from the position while having no idea who the dude is. My post wasn't actually questioning the guy's capabilities or work but was asking
@wire28 if he even knew who the dude is. After an hour or so, it's clear he doesn't and decided to shyt post and expose that.
The second thing, we should actually know who these people are. We should have an idea of what their intentions are in these roles. That is what the confirmation hearings are supposed to be and people who research these nominees. Pretending it isn't a big deal to know these people is how the government does terrible things to people in America and worldwide, and we clutch our pearls years later. The only benefit of the Trump presidency is that he was the most transparent president we've ever had, in that he told us he was appointing ghouls and was proud of it and told us how they were ghouls. In his dumbfukk way, he showed us what is in the hot dog, and the people need to know and start questioning.