Another broken promise so far.
One thing I'd like to speak to on the issue of green cards/citizenship, etc.people are really trying oversimplify the issue which is unfortunate
covid is a real risk but I imagine what we're not hearing about is how badly Trump and co f'd up the agencies that deal with immigration and refugees
I know people who are years behind schedule in the process of getting their green cards/citizenship because the agencies are so backlogged and overworked and I'm sure anyone who has spoken with immigrants in this country know people in similar shoes
I think John Oliver's show last week highlighted some of the serious issues with refugees not being admitted in timely manner and they have to be addressed but the million dollar question is how
To be fair now, why is Cuba still on the State sponsors of Terrorism list?Because he didn't overturn Trump's policy?
Y'all really have to start judging these things differently.
no one cares bruh
Another broken promise so far.
To be fair, it's like that for most countries.One thing I'd like to speak to on the issue of green cards/citizenship, etc.
One of my business partners wanted to hire two athletes for the company, and both of the athletes are Canadian. They aren't rich, but they aren't suffering either. The process of getting them citizenship was as fast-tracked as possible, and it was till very difficult. We were asked why we couldn't use Americans, and we had to get several letters from high-level people within our sport to write letters about why they in particular (as opposed to an American) would be good fits for what was being asked of them. Once all of that was approved, it still took a good time, as well as more money than expected to get them citizenship here.
So I definitely imagine it's an incredibly slow process for people that don't have strong connections, some good finances, etc.
Cubans suffering with sanctions care you fukking one cares bruh