DOn't respond to me.
You spent years promoting this fukking racist dipshyt.
all that irony-bro bullshyt goes out the window when the president won't concede the goddamn election
you keep falling for this shyt so its obvious you're an edge lord bullshytter too
@wire28 @Th3G3ntleman @ezrathegreat @Jello Biafra @humble forever @Dameon Farrow @Piff Perkins @Pressure @johnedwarduado @Armchair Militant @panopticon @Tres Leches @ADevilYouKhow @dtownreppin214 @DrDealgood @Red Shield
who gives a flying fukk?Stoller is on point regarding monopoly power and importance of governing.
Its not racist to say so. Many of us on this forum recognized it when it was too late and Dems lost Congress and crucial statehouses and lost a decade, now two decades of redistricting.
Warren sold out the progressive movement to get the secretary of treasury position and now it’s immediately given to a corporate stooge but we should be happy it’s a white woman face on corporate bullshyt
Nice job warren great work
Next up the first tranny Secretary of State
Nearly all of these people have been in DC for at least 20 years. In Kerry's case close to 40.
Btw no complaining about all the terrible cabinet picks and other bullshyt Biden is doing right at this moment , you’re not allowed until January at which time we will move the date you can Complain again to some future arbitrary date. If you don’t agree to this you’re obviously a Russian agent trying to help fascists
We lost breh. Progressives massively failed in 2020 outside of some nice down ballot stories.This has to be one of the most pathetic tropes going on the left.
"Warren had no real support and was such an insignificant loser that she came in 3rd in her own state ""Warren was powerful enough to stop Bernie from getting steamrolled but instead she chose to sell out the progressive movement"
It's always someone else's fault. First Hillary and the DNC colluding, now it's Warren and the DNC colluding. Anything to avoid critical self-assessment
Also calling Yellen a "corporate stooge" is a pretty useless epithet. Who would you have liked to have seen in that spot, particularly if the woman every progressive org was pushing "sold out the movement" according to you?
We lost breh. Progressives massively failed in 2020 outside of some nice down ballot stories.