Sounds like you've never talked to Republicans.
As long as Trump and the FOX News are against M4A they will be too. No amount of educating them on the subject will make a difference.
Recent polls have republicans favoring M4A anywhere from 46% to 51%. I was surprised, but people hate the health insurance industry more than almost anything.
FOX likes to trick viewers into thinking conservatives don’t want M4A when they throw around terms like “socialized medicine.” But when people are asked if they support single payer government health care, they’re in huge support. People are falling for the bullshyt about M4A less and less each year.
88% of democrats support it. I think 68 or 69% of independents do. It’s not some crazy radical policy
Almost everyone that has Medicare loves it and says they wished they could’ve had it sooner. M4A is not some wildly unpopular policy like the corporate media tries to tell people it is. Most Americans want that shyt, and a lot of the ones that say they don’t could be sold on it.