see friends, this is called moving the goalposts
nah the Jacobin article is just attempting to repackage the defund the police talking points.
But it's failure is that it's operating under the framing that we don't have social programs because we spend money on police. Or that we don't have social programs because we spend money on the military.
The decision isn't fiscal, it's that Americans simply don't prioritize those programs as beneficial, as a right and still believe in the welfare queen trope.
And while it does a good job explaining how more cops and prisons don't necessarily lead to a safer society, it fails to provide a data based alternative to property and violent crimes. And since the argument is a response to the SF DA recall, I think it crazy for them to think the solution is just to say, "crime doesn't happen as much as you think" as the solution.
Everyone knows justice isn't applied equally across the board, but as I said much of that comes from the behavior of our elected officials who prosecute these crimes and sentence individuals.