You guys can't keep moving the goal posts to continue to complain
First you guys say THERE IS NO REASON TO DO IT. You are given 3 reasons as to why they did it and now it's "b-b-but it's strictly to make more money from accessories they are hurting!" then you guys get information it's not a major source of revenue for them nor would they be the only ones to make it. You get 'b-b-b-but I think it's because Apple is trying to take credit for it' they never said that.
For fukks sakes you have
@spliz crying because he doesn't want them to make his phone slimmer ever!
If you believe the bolded, I got a bridge to sell you
The bolded is a fact. Sound quality in head phones are weak due to the less effective built in amps. By using the lightning cable the head phone makers who go cheap, will sound extra cheap.
First, Samsung just showed us a waterproof phone with an aux
Who cares? That's not how apple chooses to design their product. Did you think maybe for a second they couldn't copy the patent to do it the same way with out getting in trouble?
Secondly, people who REALLY cared about that loss of fidelity had headphones with amps/purchased amp adapters
And now regular people don't. You are moving the goal posts....again.
Third, Apple doesn't care about giving consumer better audio - this is APPLE. They are notable for being innovators and moving the needle, something they haven't done since the iPad dropped in 2010. This is purely about them leading a charge to be able to take credit for it later on. Nothing wrong with that, but don't buy into - they're doing this for your benefit bullshyt.
If you want to be hard headed and make assumptions, that is on you.
You guys said there is no reason to do it. There is reasons. IF YOU don't like those reasons then just live with the fact YOU don't like them. Don't try to add extra HUF to it so people agree with you.
So many things droid/Samsung/Nokia has done better for years and Apple never cared to make it available to their users. shyt, until the 6, samsung's cameras were shytting on Apple something fierce. I remember the days we couldn't copy & paste or forward texts...I'm still jealous droid gang can download albums and open them directly on their phone while I still need to open a laptop for that. I've been with an iPhone since 08, but I will not refuse to acknowledge how limited the Apple ecosystem is. Their specialty is hardware, they absolutely suck at software
You are in tech but you don't understand why they hold off on testing things before they implement em, its for consistency and stability 
Find that hard to believe that you support or write software but are throwing out what is inherently WRONG.
How do they suck at software when it's their operating systems that people really like and end up paying the premium for? People wouldn't buy marked up hardware if it sat on a shyt operating system. Why do you think an underpowered iphone spec wise still performs as well as some beefier android phones? It's because they have the software so tuned to the hardware, it runs better. They are using similar hardware as other manufacturers. That's why iphone's still do well with 2 gigs of ram when Android phones tend to have twice as much optimized SOFTWARE not hardware.