$10k entry level cars have bluetooth, most cars after 2008 have bluetooth, bluetooth adapters for the car cost less than 20 bucks.
lol Only people who aint on the bluetooth wave are people who dont have smartphones.

$10k entry level cars have bluetooth, most cars after 2008 have bluetooth, bluetooth adapters for the car cost less than 20 bucks.
lol Only people who aint on the bluetooth wave are people who dont have smartphones.
Uhhhh....this has nothing to do with that. You still need to play it somehow and they just limited thatYou nikkas /iStans are so fukking stupid. You do realize that this is a long term strategy to push muthaphuckas to streaming music right?
this is stupid as fukk. I bought a brand new 08 accord coupe back in 07 and that shyt didn't have USB nor Bluetooth, that body style is still being used - with minor adjustments - and Hondas last forever, so someone is supposed to simply upgrade their car to be compatible with their phone? Gtfoh. I ended up selling that car when I went to grad school and have since bought a new one, but Bluetooth/USB wasn't really becoming standard until 2010...most people aren't driving a 2010+ car.
As i said, people gonna lose that shytty adapter. I work in tech and between public transportation commutes and a culture of headphones in the office, that shyt is gonna pop out a pocket or purse or get knocked off a desk as people are in transit to work or sitting at their desks fumbling back and forth between shyt that does and doesn't need an adapter.
honestly, my iPhone 6 is still running strong, I don't feel the actual need to upgrade right now. Nothing groundbreaking enough for me and my 6 ain't having any issues.Either that or I'm keeping my old iPhone 6 in the car and just using that as just a MP3 player
That's not evolution. That's what u nikkas don't understand. Bluetooth been around for years and it's STILL shytty. It's not an evolution in any sense of the word. There's a REASON it's been around so long and hasn't been the standard in audio. Bluetooth is dope for OTHER reasons. Audio ain't one of em.Evolve or die
Sounds fine to me. Stay stuck with the cord. Your choice. Nobody forcing y'all. I haven't used an AUX in years.That's not evolution. That's what u nikkas don't understand. Bluetooth been around for years and it's STILL shytty. It's not an evolution in any sense of the word. There's a REASON it's been around so long and hasn't been the standard in audio. Bluetooth is dope for OTHER reasons. Audio ain't one of em.
just like the aux port is extra for many that don't need itThat's real extra for no reason.
Back when i was using a aux cord 10 years ago they were terrible. Always full of static but people in here talking bout shytty Bluetooth connections.can anyone else set off static through auxiliary cords just by touching them..?![]()
again, you're not thinking like the average car buyer, the vast majority of people don't have after market decks and won't be getting one. That shyt died out as cars started standardizing to CD players and stock decks started integrating with more tech. Outside of the enthusiast, there isn't a reason to get after market decks for The general public...and A car that came out in 2010 could easily not have that shyt...No one said upgrade their car just for bluetooth. Upgrade your car because it's damn near 10 years old. All that extra justifying you are trying to do is for yourself and no one else. Please stop acting like getting an updated head unit is so beyond someone's means but they can easily go get an 800 dollar iphone.....
Most people are driving a 2010+ car. People on average get a new car every 3 years. Either because they lease (which is 20% of sales) or they want a new car because their needs change.
You work in tech? I work in advertising for the automotive industry. Most people are not sitting in 10+ year old cars. It is not the norm, don't apply it as such.
Bluetooth sucks.
A real audiophile wouldn't be caught dead listening to low quality ass bluetooth.
Back when i was using a aux cord 10 years ago they were terrible. Always full of static but people in here talking bout shytty Bluetooth connections.
Have you not been in a car with other people where an AUX is passed around? Like people got the desire or even the wherewithal to set up their phone's bluetooth and shyt. An AUX is a quick 2 seconds, setting up a bluetooth takes not only messing around with your phone settings but also the car settings which is different for every car interface. Not only that but its totally inconvenient switching inputs in bluetooth, and socially awkward if you're trying to accomplish what AUX passing does.
If u have an iphone. They removed the choice for absolutely no reason. That's the point. They are REMOVING options and u got nikkas in here on some smug shyt like Bluetooth represents luxury or something. When Bluetooth has been recognized as shytty in audio circle's since the beginning. Tech and audio is what I do fam. Smh. LolSounds fine to me. Stay stuck with the cord. Your choice. Nobody forcing y'all. I haven't used an AUX in years.