How The Obama Administration Talks to Black America

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Apr 30, 2012
Back when affirmative action was white, educational institutions were created for African Americans who were barred from admission elsewhere. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) became the breeding grounds for the "talented tenth" – the elite class groomed to lead black America. Towards the end of the last century HBCUs had produced 75% of black PhDs, 85% of black doctors and 80% of black federal judges. Among the most prestigious was Morehouse, in Atlanta, which counts Martin Luther King, Samuel Jackson and Spike Lee among its alumni.

Later this month, Barack Obama will deliver the keynote address at Morehouse's graduation ceremony. Another invited speaker was Morehouse alumnus Kevin Johnson, a prominent Philadelphia pastor. Then Johnson, an ardent Obama supporter during both presidential runs, wrote an article criticising the president for failing to appoint enough black cabinet members and to address the needs of African Americans in general. "Obama has not moved African-American leadership forward but backwards," he wrote. "We are not in the driver's seat – or even in the car … Why are we so loyal to a president who is not loyal to us?"

Shortly afterwards his speaker's slot was removed. Instead of addressing the students alone, the day before Obama, he will now be one of a three-person panel curated "to reflect a broader and more inclusive range of viewpoints".

Evidently, whatever they'll be celebrating at this graduation at Morehouse, it won't be critical thinking. And that's a shame. Because that's precisely what black America could do with more of at a time when the quest for greater black representation has been almost completely divorced from improving the material conditions of black people as a whole.

The brouhaha at Morehouse illustrates the degree to which space for this conversation within America's black communities has shrunk under Obama. "Too many black intellectuals have given up the hard work of thinking carefully in public about the crisis facing black America," said Princeton professor Eddie Glaude. "We have either become cheerleaders for President Obama or self-serving pundits." Hardly surprising when that "hard work" risks the backlash Johnson received. "I have friends," says Virginia state delegate Onzlee Ware, "who say I'm a traitor if I bring [Obama's shortcomings] up as an intellectual conversation."

This is partly a defensive response to the overt racism and disrespect that Obama has received, particularly (though not exclusively) from the right. But increasingly it feels more like a preference for mythology over meaningful engagement lest the symbolic importance of who Obama is – the first black president – be tainted by a substantial conversation about what he actually does. Yet the longer his presidency goes on, the more urgent those questions become.

For Johnson is right on two counts. First, Obama's second-term cabinet will probably have fewer black members than his first and those of either George W Bush or Bill Clinton. Meanwhile, there are the same number of black governors and Congressmen and one less elected senator than in 2008. "For all of the euphoria about the election of Barack Obama in black America, his election has not had coat-tails," said talk-show host Tavis Smiley.

Second, African Americans, as a group, are far worse off now than when Obama was elected and the wealth gap between whites and blacks has grown since the recession. Between 2007 and 2010 black families' wealth decreased by 31%; for white families it was 11%. "[Theracial wealth gap] was already dismal," Darrick Hamilton, a New School professor, told the New York Times. "It got even worse."

You can argue about the degree to which the relationship between Obama's presidency and that reality is causal. But you can't contest that it is factual. Obama's meteoric rise has coincided with black America's precipitous economic descent.

One reason why having that conversation is so difficult is because black people have rarely been more upbeat. They are considerably more optimistic than whites, presumably because the percentage in 2010 who thought black people were better off than they were five years earlier doubled, and a significant proportion think the standard of living gap between whites and blacks is actually narrowing. That optimism appears to be directly related to Obama's presidency. In 2011 African Americans were twice as likely to think race relations had got better as a result of his election than that they had deteriorated while 64% thought they would get "a lot better or a little better" in the years ahead. A third believe his election has been "the most important advance in terms of progress for blacks" in the past century.

So black Americans feel better even as they fare worse. Unravelling that contradiction demands more and deeper debate, not less. For while Johnson identifies part of the problem, his proposed solution is inadequate. Clinton's diverse cabinet coincided with a sharp increase in the black prison population and the slashing of welfare; Bush's diverse cabinet oversaw hurricane Katrina and the economic slump. Clearly, there is precious little correlation between the presence of black faces in high places and progress in black Americans' lives.

One shouldn't dismiss black representation as irrelevant or insist that symbolism is not important. But we shouldn't fetishise them either. For in themselves they are worse than meaningless without a discussion about what that representation is for and what those symbols mean.

It isn't that black Americans are entitled to special consideration because the president is black. Quite the opposite. They should demand of him what they would and have done of any president – greater equality and social justice. Only more so, because they gave him a greater percentage of their votes than any other group or to any other president. The "talented tenth" is barely worthy of the adjective unless it makes space for these debates or its progress is in some way related to the remaining 90%.

As Arundhati Roy explained in her essay Do Turkeys Like Thanksgiving, in which she referred to the presidential pardoning of a single turkey during Thanksgiving: "A few carefully bred turkeys … the occasional Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice … are given absolution and a pass to Frying Pan Park. The remaining millions lose their jobs, are evicted from their homes, have their water and electricity connections cut, and die of Aids. Basically, they're for the pot … who can say that turkeys are against Thanksgiving? They participate in it!"

What difference does it make if a few make it through the glass ceiling if millions are still confined to the basement?

So, why are we so loyal to a president who is not loyal to us? | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Let's take a look at Facts. This was written by Gary Younge (a black man) on May 5th, which directly predicted what Obama was going to say at Morehouse. Here are some facts:





:wow: :wow:

So, why are we so loyal to a president who is not loyal to us? | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian

Deserves it's own thread
One disapointed black voter proves nothing. We all have opinions.

And the wealth gap has widened for everyone including white people during his time in office. That trend started before he got into office and it will continue when he leaves.

Not sure how this post discredits anything I said.
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Apr 30, 2012
One disapointed black voter proves nothing. We all have opinions.

And the wealth gap has widened for everyone including white people during his time in office. That trend started before he got into office and it will continue when he leaves.

Not sure how this post discredits anything I said.

Second, African Americans, as a group, are far worse off now than when Obama was elected and the wealth gap between whites and blacks has grown since the recession. Between 2007 and 2010 black families' wealth decreased by 31%; for white families it was 11%. "[Theracial wealth gap] was already dismal," Darrick Hamilton, a New School professor, told the New York Times. "It got even worse."

Do I need to bring up the unemployment rates and federal and state incarnation rates from the last 4 and a half years?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Do I need to bring up the unemployment rates and federal and state incarnation rates from the last 4 and a half years?
Not sure what these rates have to do with what I said. There is a difference between adressing a problem and fixing it. Obama has addressed these problems with limited results. John mcain and/or Mit Romeny would have ignored them. The entire world economy is fukked, naturally those at the bottom git it the worst. How is this Obama's fault?

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Apr 30, 2012
Not sure what these rates have to do with what I said. There is a difference between adressing a problem and fixing it. Obama has addressed these problems with limited results. John mcain and/or Mit Romeny would have ignored them. The entire world economy is fukked those at the bottom got it worse than anyone else. How is this Obama's fault?

Ahh, "The President of The United States is just a casual observer" argument. Got to love it.

When he passes an auto bailout bill, he's doing it for black people (According to you, even though you have no FACTS to back this up, only anecdotal) and the black unemployment rates in those states increased (that's called a fact).

But when something he oversees, like the War on Drugs or collaborating with banks who commit Mortgage Fraud (which we have evidence DIRECTLY harms African Americans), he's all of a sudden powerless to do anything.

You have to be shytting me.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Ahh, "The President of The United States is just a casual observer" argument. Got to love it.

When he passes an auto bailout bill, he's doing it for black people (According to you, even though you have no FACTS to back this up, only anecdotal) and the black unemployment rates in those states increased (that's called a fact).

But when something he oversees, like the War on Drugs or collaborating with banks who commit Mortgage Fraud (which we have evidence DIRECTLY harms African Americans), he's all of a sudden powerless to do anything.

You have to be shytting me.

Once again adressing and fixing problems are differnt concepts.

Has he addressed problems? Yes

Has he fixed them? No

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Apr 30, 2012
Once again adressing and fixing problems are differnt concepts.

Has he addressed problems? Yes

Has he fixed them? No

Have you no shame? Are you reading what you are typing?

You're coming in here with no facts, suspect anecdotal evidence and a suspension of reality...for what exactly? To defend a politician at all costs?

There is a group of you on here that side with Obama at all costs. Do you work for the Democratic apparatus? I know BarNone does or wants to, so I can see why he's biased. IgSaint too. A couple of others as well. Biased as all fukk.

Always coming into these threads to write novels based on anecdotal evidence.

The facts and numbers say something different. The only thing I give him credit for was the drug sentencing.

I give Obama a lot of respect for his contributions to "gay rights" (a/k/a just rights). He made a lot of progress on that front. THAT'S what gearing policies for a certain population group looks like and it succeeded even through congressional gridlock.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Have you no shame? Are you reading what you are typing?

You're coming in here with no facts, suspect anecdotal evidence and a suspension of reality...for what exactly? To defend a politician at all costs?

There is a group of you on here that side with Obama at all costs. Do you work for the Democratic apparatus? I know BarNone does or wants to, so I can see why he's biased. IgSaint too. A couple of others as well. Biased as all fukk.

Always coming into these threads to write novels based on anecdotal evidence.

The facts and numbers say something different. The only thing I give him credit for was the drug sentencing.

I give Obama a lot of respect for his contributions to "gay rights" (a/k/a just rights). He made a lot of progress on that front. THAT'S what gearing policies for a certain population group looks like and it succeeded even through congressional gridlock.

What could/should obama have done to adress "black" problems? And what do you consider "black" problems in the first place?

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Do I need to bring up the unemployment rates and federal and state incarnation rates from the last 4 and a half years?

Ahh, "The President of The United States is just a casual observer" argument. Got to love it.

When he passes an auto bailout bill, he's doing it for black people (According to you, even though you have no FACTS to back this up, only anecdotal) and the black unemployment rates in those states increased (that's called a fact).

But when something he oversees, like the War on Drugs or collaborating with banks who commit Mortgage Fraud (which we have evidence DIRECTLY harms African Americans), he's all of a sudden powerless to do anything.

You have to be shytting me.

Have you no shame? Are you reading what you are typing?

You're coming in here with no facts, suspect anecdotal evidence and a suspension of reality...for what exactly? To defend a politician at all costs?

There is a group of you on here that side with Obama at all costs. Do you work for the Democratic apparatus? I know BarNone does or wants to, so I can see why he's biased. IgSaint too. A couple of others as well. Biased as all fukk.

Always coming into these threads to write novels based on anecdotal evidence.

The facts and numbers say something different. The only thing I give him credit for was the drug sentencing.

I give Obama a lot of respect for his contributions to "gay rights" (a/k/a just rights). He made a lot of progress on that front. THAT'S what gearing policies for a certain population group looks like and it succeeded even through congressional gridlock.



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Apr 30, 2012
What could/should obama have done to adress "black" problems? And what do you consider "black" problems in the first place?

As you know friend, I am not black. I don't care about these issues because the people suffering most from some of the policies are black (don't get me wrong, I'm not happy that blacks are suffering either). I'm just against what I see as illegal, criminal and corrupt behavior from my government.

For example, I don't agree with Islam, especially militant Islam. I'm an anti-theist. That being said, it doesn't play a factor when I'm speaking out against the NYPD illegally spying on Muslim Americans without any probable cause. That doesn't factor in when I'm speaking out against indefinite detention or Gitmo. I wonder how man posters here would be against Gitmo or indefinite detention if it was Zionists in there instead of Muslims? Who knows.

Even though the Westboro Church has picketed funerals of friends, I wouldn't support their right to free speech be decimated and I wouldn't support the government jailing them.

I try to be a man of principle, even though I am not always perfect. Just trying to provide a little context.

But, that being said, there are things that I feel the President has control of that would directly lead to eliminating a lot of issues that hurt our black American countrymen the most, but would be a progressive step forward for all :

1) Federal funding of the War on Drugs, De-criminalization of cannabis, and reeling in the DEA is probably the most obvious ones. The President can at least order the federal agencies to take a step back. The might meet some congressional blow back, but that didn't stop him from pushing the Gay Agenda through. He hasn't even tried on this front, with the exception the drug sentencing thing.

2) Prison Industrial Complex. Once again, Federal funding goes heavily to prop this system up. The DOJ's role should expand in prosecuting police departments and local governments that practice racial profiling as well as stop/frisk. The DOJ had no issue with takin Arizona to court or that Arizona sheriff for doing this to hispanics. Meanwhile, we have NYPD officers on tape telling cops to stop black men for being black men. The DOJ should be all up in that shyt with a fine tooth comb.

Even a portion of those things I listed will greatly help these communities.

The New Jim Crow might be a good read if you're interested.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
As you know friend, I am not black. I don't care about these issues because the people suffering most from some of the policies are black (don't get me wrong, I'm not happy that blacks are suffering either). I'm just against what I see as illegal, criminal and corrupt behavior from my government.

For example, I don't agree with Islam, especially militant Islam. I'm an anti-theist. That doesn't play a factor when I'm speaking out against the NYPD illegally spying on Muslim Americans without any probable cause. That doesn't factor in when I'm speaking out against indefinite detention or Gitmo. I try to be a man of principle, even though I am not always perfect.

But, that being said, there are things that I feel the President has control of that would directly lead to eliminating a lot of issues that hurt our black American countrymen the most:

1) Federal funding of the War on Drugs, De-criminalization of cannabis, and reeling in the DEA is probably the most obvious ones. The President can at least order the federal agencies to take a step back. The might meet some congressional blow back, but that didn't stop him from pushing the Gay Agenda through. He hasn't even tried on this front, with the exception the drug sentencing thing.

2) Prison Industrial Complex. Once again, Federal funding goes heavily to prop this system up. The DOJ's role should expand in prosecuting police departments and local governments that practice racial profiling as well as stop/frisk. The DOJ had no issue with takin Arizona to court or that Arizona sheriff for doing this to hispanics. Meanwhile, we have NYPD officers on tape telling cops to stop black men for being black men. The DOJ should be all up in that shyt with a fine tooth comb.

Even a portion of those things I listed will greatly help these communities.

The New Jim Crow might be a good read if you're interested.

I don't know what race anybody is on this site. But now that I know you are black how can you tell a black man what has/hasn't been done for his community. Like I said regardless of what numbers you pull up. I have witnessed the positives of Obama's policys first hand. My wife wouldn't have been able to afford school without the extra grants/ loans she was given. My dad would have lost his retirement without the auto bailout. My little brother would not have health insurance right now without Obamacare. These are very real instances of policy that has helped black people.

Like I said before he has done SOME to adress drug sentencing disparities and I think he should do more. But there are more black kids that need help paying for school than those who need to get out of jail. With more educational/economic opportunity/achievement, drug sentencing and the PIC wouldn't need to be addressed because black people will no longer be driven to crime.

And anyway this conversation started with you comparing Obama's words to a conservative narative. Can you tell me what conservatives have done for black folks?


May 2, 2012
Banana Town
why do people focus on drug laws so much. The fact is that if we were living in the society we all wanted, like low taxes, cheap education cheap housing good living wages for most jobs, then these laws should be even more strict, in that society the majority of our people would have to be straight edge, clear headed, professional non slacking non wasteful non scumbag drug addict. The same with other laws, a robbery should get you 10 years in a perfect society, bc there would be absolutely no excuse for it and if you committed robbery your life would be garbage. In a perfect society all the demonic activity would be punished way more than it is now and it should be so idk ppl focus on that so much.

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Apr 30, 2012
I don't know what race anybody is on this site. But now that I know you are black how can you tell a black man what has/hasn't been done for his community.

I'm looking at the numbers. That's how we judge things, not by anecdotal evidence. If 10 people you know benefit from something the President did in your circle of life, but 1000 suffer from another of his policies somewhere, that's overwhelmingly negative. The numbers have increased under Obama on a lot of issues. There is no denying that.

Like I said regardless of what numbers you pull up

That's not how it works man. I'm sorry.

I have witnessed the positives of Obama's policys first hand. My wife wouldn't have been able to afford school without the extra grants/ loans she was given. My dad would have lost his retirement without the auto bailout. My little brother would not have health insurance right now without Obamacare. These are very real instances of policy that has helped black people.

That's fine, but the numbers show otherwise. The numbers for Obamacare haven't even been determined yet because most of it goes into effect next year. We'll see on that.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I'm looking at the numbers. That's how we judge things, not by anecdotal evidence. If 10 people you know benefit from something the President did in your circle of life, but 1000 suffer from another of his policies somewhere, that's overwhelmingly negative. The numbers have increased under Obama on a lot of issues. There is no denying that.
One more time adressing a problem and fixing a problem are different concepts. If you want to say his polices haven't worked as expected. That's fine I can agree with that. But you can't say that the policies don't exist.

You keep using these numbers to say what he hasn't done, so I ask you again. What could/should he have done to adress these numbers?

That's not how it works man. I'm sorry.
Statistics can be used to prove damn there any point. Black prison rates are down and high school/college graduation are up. Do you attribute that to Obama's policies?

That's fine, but the numbers show otherwise. The numbers for Obamacare haven't even been determined yet because most of it goes into effect next year. We'll see on that.

And you ignored this part of my post.

And anyway this conversation started with you comparing Obama's words to a conservative narative. Can you tell me what conservatives have done for black folks?
