Who would win in a fight? 10 Brock Lesnars or 50 Lil Duvals?oh my god, the coli

Who would win in a fight? 10 Brock Lesnars or 50 Lil Duvals?oh my god, the coli
You don't have to be big and strong to do somebody in. A doll could be half the size of Chucky. If it can think like a full grown human, it can do a number on you. That movie showed it. You'd be better off not believing a human spirit could enter a doll in the first place.Are there really grown men in here defending how they would get got by a doll?
For like three movies he had trouble with Andy.You don't have to be big and strong to do somebody in. A doll could be half the size of Chucky. If it can think like a full grown human, it can do a number on you. That movie showed it. You'd be better off not believing a human spirit could enter a doll in the first place.
That' What I was thinking he is so small and strong that he has a tactical advantage even if you are beating his ass he can conceal himself and get you when you are a bit more vulnerable. I haven' seen him attempt many direct assaults unless it was on the boy but all the grown people he usually ambushes them, there ain' much you can do when you get ambushed your reflexes gotta be on a thousand.Hes a killer doll. He has a tactical advantage as The last threat youd see coming
For like three movies he had trouble with Andy.
Yeah all thatBecause Andy was innately aware of Chucky. As a result Chucky could never get the jump on him. Oddly enough Andy's innocence and his ability to believe the unbelievable that allowed him to beat Chucky.
Yeah all that
Plus about 150 pounds and longer reach then a doll.
I could stand on a dumpster and evade chucky
That's all in hindsight though again if you go through the original trilogy. Chucky used his lack of size to his advantage almost every person he killed he either attacked from a stealthy position or people believed he was just a doll and were thrown off when he started moving. I'm not saying Chucky was invincible but remember he had the mind of a serial killer and if you read up on most of them you're talking about mostly guys with near genius level intellect on average at worst guys who would have been Rhodes scholars.
For three movies he could not get Andy to switch bodies with.
His girl was able to get a body while Charles is still stuck as a doll.Because like I said earlier Andy had his number from jump street and Chucky for as smart as he was underestimated him. It was his fatal flaw.