How the F*CK was Chucky ever a threat???


Aug 10, 2017
Uncle Ronnie scared the piss out of me literally with a damn Freddy mask til this day I will never I mean never watch the first Freddy or that hellraiser shyt. I fukking hate horror films. Incideous the first one. was that last I watched. To me fright/fear is not cool. So y look at shyt that scare the hell out of me

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

Oh I forgot about this doll.
This doll was also a precursor or around when chuckie was around. If you lived the cabbage patch doll frenzy that created black Friday as an actual thing and the mayhem. Then, there is no way you could front on chucky.

The setup psychology was there to take advantage of to scare us as kids. Most high grossing horror films did so because of the times and taking advantage of the school yard rep of the film. The school yard is what propelled a ton of these properties past teen romance outing being horror film based dates mostly for that era.

Black Friday exist solely off of the national rabid frenzy of cabbage patch dolls.
If you never lived that beginning to the violent shopping xmas era.
that still exists from the frenzy created by cabbage patch dolls. It would not really resonate to you about chuckie later.
Also later gen's y'all ain't got no toys or cartoons worth a damn. So, your Gen has never made frenzy for a toy on the level of a cabbage patch doll.
to understand the psychology and draw based around chuckie as well.

I really hate how mother's group ruined child hood for kids in America. That just for starters a kid has to have cable to enjoy coming home from school. America really hurt itself not catering to children and passing laws. That eliminated network television for being on the hook for kid programming.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I used to be scared of Chucky but I was more afraid of fukking Freddy...:damn::mjcry: had me really afraid to go to sleep... Part 1&3 is classics the rest is garbage...

Freddie is the absolute worst shyt to show any child.
The psychology of it will drive a child to complete fear. As the psychology and film.
offer no wiggle room via imagination to usher Freddie out of a child's dream.

Whatever you can conjure in your mind to get rid of Freddie.
Freddie on film made a hoot hack lol moment mockery of and massacred your idea of protecting yourself and being safe as a child.

Literally never let a child watch Freddie. I view letting a child watch Freddie as sheer bad parenting for our Gen. As you should know as a parent from experience the damage it can wreck on a child.

Art Barr
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The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Freddie is the absolute worst shyt to show any child.
The psychology of it will drive a child to complete fear. As the psychology and fiksm offer no wiggle room via imagination to usher Freddie out of a child's dream.

Whatever you can conjure in your mind to get rid of Freddie.
Freddie on film made a hoot hack lol moment mockery of and massacred your idea of protecting yourself and being safe as a child.

Literally never let a child watch Freddie. I view letting a child watch Freddie as sheer bad parenting for our Gen. As you should know as a parent from experience the damage it can wreck on a child.

Art Barr

I actually snuck to watch the first ones...

I should have listened to Grandma and not watched that demonic shyt :mjcry:

After part 3 it lost it's flavor tho...:camby:


Dec 22, 2014
Freddie is the absolute worst shyt to show any child.
The psychology of it will drive a child to complete fear. As the psychology and fiksm offer no wiggle room via imagination to usher Freddie out of a child's dream.

Whatever you can conjure in your mind to get rid of Freddie.
Freddie on film made a hoot hack lol moment mockery of and massacred your idea of protecting yourself and being safe as a child.

Literally never let a child watch Freddie. I view letting a child watch Freddie as sheer bad parenting for our Gen. As you should know as a parent from experience the damage it can wreck on a child.

Art Barr
It has to do with colors. Some colors are diameyrically opposed to each other and create an unsettling feeling in people and red green is one of the combinations. I forget the others bit i think yellow and purole is another or simething.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I actually snuck to watch the first ones...

I should have listened to Grandma and not watched that demonic shyt :mjcry:

After part 3 it lost it's flavor tho...:camby:

shyt was never the same after part three.
In part three Freddie eliminated any way for your imagination as a kid to fight his ass. nikka I got killed every night for years by Freddie in my dreams, it was no counter to the psychology of that movie. Literally it is the scariest entity for a child to come across probably ever created.

I should have never watched Freddie as a kid.
My slick ass got got, the same way as any kid back then. Being defiant to a parent telling us not to watch some shyt and devising a eighties kid forward thinking imagination based way to sneak around it.
In the morning in the original ontv and spectrum box to tci cable days. In the morning the late night movie was just starting at like 630 or so. So for the next two hours getting ready for school.
it would be a movie that was taboo for a kid to watch.
I figured hey, I saw the shogun assassin which I was not supposed to see.[it was later banned for clarification] I can watch the other movies that come on, too.
Knowing full well I was still scared shyt-less starting from exactly, thriller. Yet my friends kept telling me the whooptie of man, you gotta face your fears. You gotta watch more horror stuff, knowing damn well ya boi scared as fukk. I literally had not watched anything dealing with horror since thriller debuted on VHS as this event. So, Freddie is like the next thing scary I would see years later. after purposefully from like the first or second grade not watching or listening to anything horror. I wanna say it was like fourth grade when I saw Freddie. A bit older still not cognitively prepared for processing no fukk'n Freddie of all things.

What messed me up with Freddie and made it even worse was the alley scene. As that was like the first time I saw him moving around fast as fukk in the real world.[the second is on part two where he explodes out of the lawn during the cookout,..that shyt was too scary then as a kid. Like this nikka can come to the cookout too, fukk!!!] When he elongates his arms in the alley, that whole imagery fukked my young ass up. Straight to scaredy catville.
Which scared me cause back then walking in the alley was some tough little boy shyt.
you had to man up to do as a kid in my Gen. Back in the old school chicago rat infested poison control poster fool's gold days. Where as a kid we all wanted this rat control black and red vinyl poster and you had to brave an alley to get one and not get caught by a parent or an actual house cat sized rat. As kids you had to be an older boy in general.
to brave an alley cause back then, before crack.
older boys were still slave sized to us as kids and it kinda was a war between older kids and younger kids back then. Of which us younger kids did not do to well. Back in the kids play outside era, it was great but there were dangers and older boys in alleys in other neighborhoods was a real thing for boys not from that area looking for a short cut. You could get jumped easy and be put beyond repair rsther easily. Unless we had older kids on our side. This is kinda in that segueway before the crack Gen fukked up all of Chicago. So it was gangs but their dynamic was kinda isolated to their arena and neutrons were separate too. So, as a kid you had gangs and older boys who were tough and not in gangs to worry about too.
Yet getting a black vinyl plastic rat control poster from the alley was like a badge of courage back, especially if you were not ten yet. Especially if a parent let you hang them and street signs and cta bus stop signs in your room. Which for me at that time was like contraband and smuggling a rat control poster in my backpack to the crib and keeping it hidden was a rite of passage too. I still have these poster around too, just like all my cta and street signs over the years from a kid to a teen in the chi. Yet the rat poster for the time was the one thing you wanted cause getting one was super dangerous and tales of kids getting whooped by other boys for the signs in their alleys and the the fact you could get rabies from a rat bite was known as a possibility for real too. Plus, it was a sure fire ass whooping by other parents who were in the neighborhood too. As this was the era when neighbors, who were not your parents had license to spank you, as well. So, you dealing with discipline from an outside adult figure and you would get disciplined by that figure and your parent. As said parent was gonna tell your parent what you did and they spanked you and you getting it double time. So, it is the possibility of three whoopings from a parent from me. One from a parent in the neighborhood. The second from the hardest out who kept me, while my parents were at work in miss hill. who was a all time warlord giving out whippings and to this day I seen her beat up grown men an whip her own kids like plantation my nikka.[Ann hill who kept me is six foot seven and almost even feet in heels, she was like an early ebony mag model and the most hood woman probably in the area I grew up in easy. Everyone was scared of miss hill and she would check someone for not telling her if a hill kid was acting up. So, parents will snitch and you in fukk'n trouble. Plus my own mama, who my dad labeled the big booper for her whipping prowess. that he turned all the whipping over to her[my dad did give me the third worst beating I ever got for listening to the girls in the neighborhood who asked me to pee down a stairwell so they could see my man's. I was to little to know what was the demo with this all the way and the discipline and learning of what and how I was duped into made it worse too. Plus the fact now you look like the kid who knows about sex at too early of an age, too. Which back then would result in a beating too. Including the fact I got beat just as worst for pissing down the pretty girl's printice dad's steps.] So once Freddie appears in the alley, it just fukked me up. The fukked up part about Freddie is, outside of the dream realm you can feel safe. So getting another poster afterwards still boosted your confidence. Yet, when you went to sleep, here is Freddie with no defense via your on imagination. As the psychology of the character of Freddie is hof horror greatness and makes him the most formidable horror character of all time.

Freddie is the absolute worst thing to show a kid, do not show kids Freddie.

It is a can of worms that never be closed for a kid. just do not do it.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
It has to do with colors. Some colors are diameyrically opposed to each other and create an unsettling feeling in people and red green is one of the combinations. I forget the others bit i think yellow and purole is another or simething.

That explains a lot cause the sheer idea of his sweater is just as scary as the claws.
His sweater is evil christmas sweater level of psychology too.

Art Barr


May 26, 2012
:wtb: Dudes are scared of Racc00ns in the definitely not believing your lying ass. :comeon:

how did i miss this comment the first time? :deadmanny:

racc00ns dont bother me. i'll steer clear if it's a mom with youngins tho, cause that bytch will set it on your ass.

possums tho? it's like hearing Deebo's bike halfway down the block. :damn: