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Child's Play 2 on VHS. I couldn't have been more than 8-10. I thought I was such a badass for watching an R-Rated movie. 

The lost boys.I was talking with co-workers today and was shocked that many didn't see their first R rated film until they were teenagers.
I remember seeing Exorcist 3 and Terminator II in theaters when I was 5 or 6. The Lost Boys was my favorite movie as a kid and Scream was my favorite movie in elementary school
And I turned out normal, right @MartyMcFly?
Breh said he wouldn't even think about taking his 11 year old son to Logan.
This is true. But 11 year olds are definitely seeing worse on the internet these days.5. Terminator 2. But that was with my parents and in hindsight it's not that bad. If I had a kid now I don't think I'd take them to see Logan.
Everything evolves so what's R for 91 would most likely be pg 13 now. Just like gremlins and temple of doom pushed PG for their era and gave birth to pg13