How much trouble is Sony really in?


Wearing Lions gear when it wasn't cool
Jun 11, 2012
Lombardi Trophies in Allen Park
I was sketched this. Simplified but my point will come across all the same.


Top square is gaming right now, more or less. The bottom is the reality that Microsoft is trying to create. Question is can they get there. That is what they are hellbent in doing. Can they make it, ultimately, I believe that they can. For the past few generations, the statistics have borne out that for the venn diagram for gamers that get the God of wars, uncharteds, last of us and other first party single player games is not that large. 115 million ps4s sold, 20 million copies of Spiderman sold. My point is that a lot of owners that have Spiderman also have the aforementioned games too, thus leaving around 95 million people to play other games or who isn't invested in most of Sony offerings if at all but just get consoles for other games like previously for yakuza or other Japanese games for example, or simply gta and/or call of duty. Taking that 95 million, plus the other platforms that have users that play games that don't typical come to console, while poaching some of Sony and Nintendos exclusive fan base. Crusader kings 3 was day one on Gamepass, a huge pc game for example. Basically, Sony is going to look up, if they already haven't and go :ohhh:

Thats just like Parris said on the Xcast podcast today, he doesn't think Sony can get a Gamepass like model working because they can't front the money upfront like Microsoft can. You have to lose a lot to win. Playstation makes up over 30% of all of sonys revenue. That money can't be thrown into an endless pit, hoping for something, not to mention, one is a trillion dollar company and the other is multi billion.

Overall, now that everyone has seen how Microsoft is getting down this gen, the logistics of them getting there is clear. Also, I'm about to take my victory lap here.

As I've said numerous times, battle of attrition and Google Stadia was going to be the first casualty. They saw Microsoft get Bethesda and increase the hiring at all of these studios after buying them made Google, yes Google, tuck their chain in their shirt while dipping out the backdoor. They realized early enough that they were playing footsies with gaming while Microsoft was with the shyts. After a while, you can't outrun it, it being the money. It's not like there is a magical formula to the process, it's warchest, warchest, warchest. Bullyball with the money. They could have done this at any point in time during the Ballmer years but they had a foot in, foot out approach. Now, it's all in. I told y'all their actions this gen would make people look at the prior gens like wtf. Watch the next Battlefield hit Gamepass day one. Audience of over 20 million and growing, getting a decent amount of players to get your dlc and other shyt, I don't see why EA wouldn't do. We are just watching the steps on the way to the coronation.

I 100% see this as our future now.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
I 100% see this as our future now.
Microsoft is trying to build a subscription service that gets users to subscribe to it and stay that way. The best way for them to do that is for them to take franchises people already know and love and bring them into that service exclusively.

Sony did the Marvel approach. They slowly built things out with much smaller companies they have a working relationship with and became a juggernaut piece by piece. Microsoft is doing the DC approach in that they want to build up to what Marvel has by putting in far less work and in much less time.

What Microsoft is doing is sloppy but they can get away with it because the company prints money. Sony should stay the course. They can't get into a cold war of swallowing publishers with Microsoft because they don't have the recourses. They need to continue getting those diamonds in the rough. There's an audience that appreciates that Sony is doing.


May 1, 2012
Pathetic when you realize gaming is call of duty, 2k and grand theft auto.