people act like cds are gone cause they don't buy them.... meanwhile digital music only accounts for 31% of all music sales.. what you think the other 69% is?
people think bluray and dvd are dead.... meanwhile they make more money in sales than streaming (netflix, hbo) and digital sales combined... easily.. damn near double
video game wise, digital JUST beat physical for the first time last year... for 1 quarter... barely
so people thinking it'll just disappear in the next year or two.. or physical is already dead... really have no clue
just look at the xbox one fiasco... a little thing called, always be connected to the internet, started a worldwide uproar
the entertainment company as a whole would have to move towards that... basically saying fukk physical media and everything would have to be kept in some sort of cloud.. cause your physical drives and computers would be filled up quick
i see what you're saying but they say physical sales have declined for a DECADE straight
sure less tech savvy people will still buy them but our generation and the younger generation are very tecch savy
my girl watches E every night and i straight up laughed out loud when Terrence J twice said "I downloaded mrs doubtfire and hook and jumanji" on the air the other day after robin williams passed
Home Entertainment Market Grows Modestly for Second Straight Year, as Disc-Sale Declines Remain Moderate
While 2013 was another record year for the theatrical box office, that didn’t translate into an increase in disc sales and rentals, given the ticket returns and resulting video success of last year’s hits including ‘The Avengers’ and ‘The Hunger Games,’” said Michael Arrington, senior analyst, U.S. video, for IHS. “While many factors have contributed to the nearly decade-long fall in U.S. consumer video disc spending since the market peaked at $21.9 billion in 2004, one long-term issue is consumers’ rising interest in alternative diversions, including streaming digital video, video games, mobile devices and apps, and Internet offerings like YouTube.”
Average monthly U.S. consumer spending on physical video rental and purchasing dropped to $8.95 in 2013, down from $9.87 in 2012. Overall, however, U.S. consumers spent more on transactional home entertainment, including video on demand combined with electronic purchase, rental and subscription via the Internet. Transactional spending increased to $13.94 per month in 2013, up from $13.88 in 2012.
Retail: Blu-ray’s modest gain can’t make up for DVD decline
Total sales of discs fell to $7.5 billion, down 9 percent from $8.2 billion in 2012. The mature DVD segment suffered a 13.6 percent decline in revenue in 2013. Meanwhile, Blu-ray managed only a meager 2.6 percent expansion. While unit sales grew by 4.2 percent to reach 124 million, rapidly falling prices made for a weak revenue increase.
Rental illness
U.S. rental spending in 2013 slipped by 9 percent, falling to $4.3 billion, down from $4.7 billion in 2012. The drop was partly driven by rental-store closures and the loss of disc subscriptions at rental leader Netflix.
Rental spending at kiosks, which had grown strongly during the previous several years, expanded only 1.2 percent in 2013, as Redbox slowed expansion and focused on absorbing its NCR acquisition while also optimizing existing locations and customer behavior.
Home video passing the torch to digital delivery
The physical-product share of the home entertainment market dropped to 64 percent of spending in 2013, down from 96 percent in 2004. Along with the rise of alternative forms of entertainment, the U.S. physical home video market is being impacted by other factors.
“During the heyday of DVD, the widespread availability of cheap discs allowed most consumers to build enormous video libraries,” Arrington noted. “Now consumers have become more discriminating in their purchases. And with the rise of iTunes and other online sources, it’s pretty much an equal choice for buyers whether they want to purchase a video title on disc, or download it from the Internet. Under these circumstances, an increasing number of consumers are choosing the download option.
A decade of decline?
"Unless Blu-ray Disc prices stabilize and box-office performance stays high, as it might with sequels to ‘The Avengers’ and ‘The Hunger Games’ on the table, another year of Blu-ray unit growth that is slight at best could yield a downward turn in spending for the format in 2014,” Arrington observed. “In any case, any reasonable amount of growth in Blu-ray is unlikely to prevent what will next year become a decade of decline for a once-thriving disc market.”