Gil Scott-Heroin
After I tell you comparing Mbappe’s weight to NFL players who you believe are of similar stature, is meaningless, do you then go and reference players who’re smaller as if you’re proving some point your one and only brain cell believes is's because as always u had no clue what u were discussing. DeSean was even smaller at 175. there's been a lot of effective WRs in the 5'7" 165-175 range. They could get hit and be fine. mbappe is bigger than trindon holliday too who was in the league for 5 years.
u are a clueless bum
It doesn’t matter what size Mbappe is; he hasn’t been conditioned to handle the physicality of getting hit in football, let alone at the level of the NFL. Tyreek and Trindon are/were able to exist because they conditioned their bodies over years and years to withstand it (while fine-tuning ways to protect themselves from receiving unnecessary damage) regardless of their actual weight. I don’t know why you’re having such a hard time comprehending something as simple as this.