So like I said one long love letter to Robin.

I appreciate the twist. It's romantic in a simpish and sad kinda way. I just don't think it was executed well. I get his feelings for Robin. I get his kids liking her and picking up on it. What doesn't make sense is how kids would respond that well to their deceased mom coming off as a 2nd place booby prize place-filler for their dad's true love..."Aunt" Robin.

. I would have been more receptive to the ending if:
1. They hadn't done so much Ted and Robin back and forth. It felt like "Seriously? Again with this?

" due to how they ran it into the ground during the series. If they hadn't been so heavy handed with it then it would have come off better.
2. More time had been devoted to the mother so that she came off as superior or at least equal to Robin. The audience was invested in the mom and spent 8 years waiting to meet her. The kids are invested for obvious reasons. To have the story end up being all about Ted and Robin with mom as a convenient backdrop is a

in the face to both parties. fukk I spend 8 years waiting to meet the mom for when it's just gonna be Robin?

No kid is gonna be that cool with a situation playing out like that. Like I said if they hadn't been so heavy handed and the kids picked up on subtle clues then that is one thing but mom was undersold way too much while the Robin thing was overplayed way too much to have any kid be that cool with it.