How Do You Respond To c00ns Who Say, ‘Africans Sold Their Own People Into Slavery’?

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Will you stay put? Or will leave FBA’s behind?

I love people to an extreme....
all people....
even wite people.....asians...whoever
everyone should be happy and comfortable....

You do not understand that I take great offense at you saying blk immigrants have hatred or fight against blk americans
that is bullshyt sir

if you are a piece of shyt
people who are decent people will avoid you

if you a decent person
you will avoid folks who are pieces of shyt

if I smoke crack and you smoke crack we smoke crack together
if I hate crack and you smoke crack I will avoid you and tell my kids not to play with your kids

understanding here?
you cannot group millions of people

I have never in my life met a blk immigrant who "hate ados"

Nigerians on average do not fukk with me either
at least the ones who seek to be doctors and judges
not cause they hate me as a caribbean person
I am not doing what they doing....smoking, drinking, partying etc
and the nigerian fathers/mothers with their doctor to be daughters would tell me to fukk off....


All Star
Apr 4, 2017

so me pointing to the REASON for you being so bitter and hateful is because you have accomplished nothing
that means I am like a racist?

as I said before...
if you and voiceofbullshyt had said "yeah I have much experiences with immigrants....all the ones I met hated us and disrespected me"
what could I say?
those were your lived experiences...

yet to have little to NO interactions or experiences with blk immigrants and hold these hateful opinions...
to say blk immigrants are the same as wite n cuban racists?
that is because YOUTUBE has been your teacher....
hateful xenophobic youtube.....
right wing charlatan youtube....

so yes you should be ashamed...
not only for not wanting more in life....
yet for feeling like you will never accomplish much cause blk immigrants are taking from you....
that is sad sir....
I am very sorry for you...
You don’t speak with love, especially for FBA. Your just hurling insults because you’re PROUD!!!!. You have became “somebody” off the ground work FBA put in, and now you’re giving your behind to kiss. “You’re nothing”. “You don’t travel the world like me”. ”You don’t work hard like me”. Same stuff I hear all the time covertly or overtly.

You feel superior. I never insulted you as a person lol. If you’re not a help to us, then obviously ppl not keep sticking they neck out for ppl who look down on them. Keep being “somebody”, but invest wisely. It’s all coming down soon, and as I told you earlier repent and turn to The Most High and turn from your sins. All I’m saying is I see yall as brothers, but the feeling never seems returned. I can’t MAKE yall love or respect FBA, but I can let FBA know what’s happening.

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
You don’t speak with love, especially for FBA. Your just hurling insults because you’re PROUD!!!!. You have became “somebody” off the ground work FBA put in, and now you’re giving your behind to kiss. “You’re nothing”. “You don’t travel the world like me”. ”You don’t work hard like me”. Same stuff I hear all the time covertly or overtly.

You feel superior. I never insulted you as a person lol. If you’re not a help to us, then obviously ppl not keep sticking they neck out for ppl who look down on them. Keep being “somebody”, but invest wisely. It’s all coming down soon, and as I told you earlier repent and turn to The Most High and turn from your sins. All I’m saying is I see yall as brothers, but the feeling never seems returned. I can’t MAKE yall love or respect FBA, but I can let FBA know what’s happening.

You remind me of my older brother who is a so called rastaman....
really have mental issues....
"babylon a fight de youths....bun de queen....bun de pope...bun money....bun fish...bun sadamite..bun dutty govament....."
and he can tell you how mystery babylon been oppressing the righteous and show "proof" in revelations verse blah blah....

great thing about rasta is that they not hateful....he will never dress in a suit though....cut his locks.....speak properly....and possibly live like that forever....

I can easily do that myself.......

when I said those things to you it was to prove YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT....
tariq and yvette formed your mindset of immigrants.....
you have no life experience to speak on the things you do....
you do not seem to be trying to make a million....
you are into the bible waiting for the end....
that is a sorry existence


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
I love people to an extreme....
all people....
even wite people.....asians...whoever
everyone should be happy and comfortable....

You do not understand that I take great offense at you saying blk immigrants have hatred or fight against blk americans
that is bullshyt sir

if you are a piece of shyt
people who are decent people will avoid you

if you a decent person
you will avoid folks who are pieces of shyt

if I smoke crack and you smoke crack we smoke crack together
if I hate crack and you smoke crack I will avoid you and tell my kids not to play with your kids

understanding here?
you cannot group millions of people

I have never in my life met a blk immigrant who "hate ados"

Nigerians on average do not fukk with me either
at least the ones who seek to be doctors and judges
not cause they hate me as a caribbean person
I am not doing what they doing....smoking, drinking, partying etc
and the nigerian fathers/mothers with their doctor to be daughters would tell me to fukk off....
I love people to an extreme....
all people....
even wite people.....asians...whoever
everyone should be happy and comfortable....

You do not understand that I take great offense at you saying blk immigrants have hatred or fight against blk americans
that is bullshyt sir

if you are a piece of shyt
people who are decent people will avoid you

if you a decent person
you will avoid folks who are pieces of shyt

if I smoke crack and you smoke crack we smoke crack together
if I hate crack and you smoke crack I will avoid you and tell my kids not to play with your kids

understanding here?
you cannot group millions of people

I have never in my life met a blk immigrant who "hate ados"

Nigerians on average do not fukk with me either
at least the ones who seek to be doctors and judges
not cause they hate me as a caribbean person
I am not doing what they doing....smoking, drinking, partying etc
and the nigerian fathers/mothers with their doctor to be daughters would tell me to fukk off....
I apologize if I offended you or anyone who’s black from other places, that said I had already said I was hurt aswell from my experiences as well (From being in different places). At the end of the day I do love yall, but enough is enough with everyone ragging on us, we will not tolerate it anymore. Also you need love in your heart.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
You remind me of my older brother who is a so called rastaman....
really have mental issues....
"babylon a fight de youths....bun de queen....bun de pope...bun money....bun fish...bun sadamite..bun dutty govament....."
and he can tell you how mystery babylon been oppressing the righteous and show "proof" in revelations verse blah blah....

great thing about rasta is that they not hateful....he will never dress in a suit though....cut his locks.....speak properly....and possibly live like that forever....

I can easily do that myself.......

when I said those things to you it was to prove YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT....
tariq and yvette formed your mindset of immigrants.....
you have no life experience to speak on the things you do....
you do not seem to be trying to make a million....
you are into the bible waiting for the end....
that is a sorry existence
I said out the gate those were my experiences and made a thread about. It seems the shoe fit on YOU. You brag alot and have a superiority complex. You don’t seem like an ally, YOU that is.

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I apologize if I offended you or anyone who’s black from other places, that said I had already said I was hurt aswell from my experiences as well (From being in different places). At the end of the day I do love yall, but enough is enough with everyone ragging on us, we will not tolerate it anymore.

It is offensive because blk american people are almost worshipped if I may use such a strong word.....
the civil rights guys.....the culture/music.....blk america is the heart of america.....otherwise it would be bland and mayonnaise....
Other than Martial Arts movies.....Westerns and Texas is what it was all about when I was growning up.....

I am telling you as a fact that blk american people are loved.....not just saying that.....

the problem many have is with CLASSISM....there are folks who will not even speak to you if you curse a lot or even use the N word....
you will say those folks think they better than you....
they think they better than me too...

I want to see you be successful....make a the world if you want.....
as I told you with my brother....the blame game will get you nowhere....even if babylon a fight blk/poor people

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
What's the name of this loan that you speak of, I need some of it myself. I've spent the last 3 years intensively saving to start my business only for Biden to whipe me out.

When you say "assimilate" what exactly do you mean? You mean I should stop eating egusi soap and switch McDonals? Or do you want me to not speak Igbo when I'm out in public. Perhaps you want us to discontinue our yearly community convention? I don't know, I'll like to hear what you mean by "assimilate".

You wanna talk about tribalism, dude trust me, I don't think you wanna hear our horror stories of from hands of ADOS. Mind you I ain't talking about no "African booty scratcher". Ironically mant of the perpetrators sound just like you.

When you hear your Nigerian people repeating stereotypes about FBA/ ADOS check them immediately.

And this would directly benefit you as a "minority"

U.S. Treasury funnels $8.7 bln in COVID aid to community, minority lenders

Home | Community Development Financial Institutions Fund

Stop the disrespect and acknowledge the contribution that our people played in you having the access you have.

I personally don't want to strip you of your culture only the anti Black American portions.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
You remind me of my older brother who is a so called rastaman....
really have mental issues....
"babylon a fight de youths....bun de queen....bun de pope...bun money....bun fish...bun sadamite..bun dutty govament....."
and he can tell you how mystery babylon been oppressing the righteous and show "proof" in revelations verse blah blah....

great thing about rasta is that they not hateful....he will never dress in a suit though....cut his locks.....speak properly....and possibly live like that forever....

I can easily do that myself.......

when I said those things to you it was to prove YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT....
tariq and yvette formed your mindset of immigrants.....
you have no life experience to speak on the things you do....
you do not seem to be trying to make a million....
you are into the bible waiting for the end....
that is a sorry existence
Life isn’t about “making a million”. The only reason you can make a million, is because of the fight of FBA.


Dec 16, 2015
The only people who say that are racist cacs & nikkas who dont understand concepts such as nationhood and warfare.

Europeans came to Africa and seen entire nations with their own cultures, ways of life, and spiritual practices... each kingdom had its own history and its own personal interests.... some of these kingdoms were rivals... some were allies.

It wasn't Africans "selling their own"

For example, I'm Haitian and I trace my bloodline back to the Dahomey kingdom via oral history.

The Dahomey had to fight a revolutionary war to gain independence from the Yoruba.

If a Dahomey man sold a Yoruba man to a Portuguese slave trader - he didn't sell "his own people"

He sold his enemy.

If a Dahomey man sold a prisoner to a European slave trader - he didn't "sell his own"

He sold a criminal who was banished from the kingdom.
or a prisoner who was captured via warfare, slavery outside of chattel slavery in the U.S. ain't new

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Life isn’t about “making a million”. The only reason you can make a million, is because of the fight of FBA.

Sure let us say that is true....
what are YOU DOING presently or have done in the past to help fba or blk immigrants?

or you saying all that is done and you not your grandparents?
you now anti immigration, maga, have no desire to be a success, and love you some donald trump

proud of yourself?


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Sure let us say that is true....
what are YOU DOING presently or have done in the past to help fba or blk immigrants?

or you saying all that is done and you not your grandparents?
you now anti immigration, maga, have no desire to be a success, and love you some donald trump

proud of yourself?
Is english your first language? Your arguments don’t really make sense. Hope the best for you. Hopefully you repent and stop putting your trust in this world and in this system.

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Is english your first language? Your arguments don’t really make sense. Hope the best for you. Hopefully you repent and stop putting your trust in this world and in this system.

Of course you would not understand my arguements....
you need insults....hatred...disrespect....
that is your expectation of me and blk immigrants....
you need to prove to yourself that we are "just like" wite supremacists....
that you are hated...dispised....

I have shown you none of have no idea how to respond to that....
I have concentrated on YOU....rarehunter the bible thumping failure in life blaming blk immigrants for his woes....

so you cannot cry and bawl and hide behind progressive, smart, decent, blk american people....
no bytch you have to stand on your own merits....
you have accomplished NOTHING in life....
with your mindset you will NEVER accomplish anything.....
and your situation will get worse....

the problem is YOU.....YOU.....YOU......YOU.....
get yourself together....

and if you want to get have the spirit of failure....envy....woe....
as in you possessed with unclean spirits....
your thoughts are as prayers to the heavens.....
with your dirty mind you have attracted foul spirits....
be very very careful sir....
our ancestors are nothing to play with....
as in if your ancestors were proud and smart people....
and now you maga on some wite trash shyt....
it might explain your possession of slavemaster spirits...
you ever been cleansed?
tek a wash aff?


May 1, 2012
Black people keep getting tricked into drugs , the man being their friend & religion. The man is never a negros friend & religion keeps betraying us . Stay sober so you can react to the challenges or traps the man sets . We do a lot of destructive things to our community just to survive by selling drugs , pimping out our women which leads to violence