Its not that easy to just up and leave, even within the US, depending on the type of life you live and profession you have. If you have nothing goin sure, but finding a new job, having the right finances, and just leaving your social networks isn't very easy to the vast majority of people out there.
I have been trying to leave the country for years now, and haven't been able to because the Italian Consulate is lame and slow in processing requests for Italian Citizenship. I qualify and have filed all the documents, but I have to wait at least another year for an interview and then go from there.
You could always try to secure a job first over seas and get a visa, but that's not easy either. What happens if the job doesn't work out? Then you are fubar and have to leave basically asap, assuming your 3/6 months have passed.
I love this country and all the freedoms and options it provides, but I just want a more calm life style, slower in general with less pressure. It will better suit me psychologically and help produce better results for me in terms of happiness. I talk shyt about the country sometimes, but who doesn't? No harm is meant by it, and Im proud to be born American. I will not hide that fact should I finally be able to leave and live abroad.