How do you feel about people who hate America so much but refuse to move?


Jun 4, 2012
The Italian government designates the Vatican as an state entity within Italy. The Pope and religious clergy still pays taxes to the Italian government.

lol at the Vatican not being part of Rome. No Italian needs a passport or has to jump through immigration hoops to visit the Vatican.

Vatican is in ROME. Rome has mosques.

Vatican don't arrest you if you preach Qur'an

You can't be serious with this.....
FYI there is only 1 Mosque in Rome.. and it took so much effort to get that there that it's simply ridiculous.

Rome said fukk no to Mosque until very recently. You can't base everything you know of Islam on a nation that doesn't follow the Qur'an but follows extremest views lead by the powerful oil producers. That is a tiny fraction of Muslims and not what Islam is about. To say otherwise is trolling and ignorant.

Christianity originated in the Middle East, Jesus was an arab. Christianity also went on a Mission to kill off all Muslims. You can't take the moral High Ground as a Christian based on things that are happening today... because 99 % of Muslims today don't have an issue with Christians. For 6 centuries the Cross, the pope, and Christianity was the symbol of kill off anyone who wasn't Christian, not just Muslims. And that wasn't like Muslims are doing today. extreme muslims today are a small fraction not supported by most. During the Christian crusades- men, women and children supported the cause in every way possible from the home fronts.

There are more black men killed in American than there are Muslims killing non muslims. So by your logic we should be afraid of each other.


Jun 22, 2012
That's what I mean about being on the cutting edge... since our country is rather insignificant (it is what it is) we are allowed to discuss things that are taboo in the rest of the world... Like our second most populous province openly advocates for secession, and we're looking for ways to appease that... Oil money in one province paying for anothers lack of ... money... and how that plays out in the minds of voters... As far as politics in terms of transformations, Canada is light years ahead of anyplace I can think of, as far as significance, American politics is the most important in the world for sure.

I'm going IN to my fourth year tho I ain't applying for shyt :flabbynsick:

I am serious with that. Lets skip the semantics about the Vatican, because you are wrong but it's not important. (first few sentences)

Anyway, what the leader of a Muslim country does has no bearing on Islam at all. I'll demonstrate this using History.

The Fatimid Dynasty controlled a large part of the Muslim World from 909-1171

Fatimid Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And they were part of a sect known as the Shia, which many Muslims (including myself) do not consider to be Muslims at all.

The Mongols had control over the center of the Islamic world (Baghdad) for a period too

Ilkhanate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They converted to Islam later on though, however they ruled not as Muslims.

Just using these two examples, you can see the leadership of the "Islamic World" changes all the time, however the actual faith of Islam doesn't change. The rulers try and base their laws on Islam to some degree and whatever interpretation they think is correct, however this is not uniform. Therefore, my statement is true.

Again, if you want to learn Islamic history, let me know!

Does the Pope pay taxes to the Italian government? :jada:

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Very easy for you to preach about the good of Islam while living in the Western world.:troll:

Yeah, it is very easy. The Western World is a strange and complicated place, but the best parts of it are that sometimes you can say what you want and nobody can stop you!

One of the founders of this Western World said this about religion and religious freedom, lets reflect on this and end our discussion on this note, friend! If you have any questions about Islam and Islamic History, again, don't hesitate to find me!

"...the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen."

-Thomas Jefferson.
Jun 4, 2012
I paid my way thru this country since birth when my moms got that hospital bill... i have a right to be here and hate it just as much as you have a right to love it... so why do you hate my freedom? Why do you hate my right to shyt on our government? You claim to love this country but think im wrong for criticizing it? This is MY country so i can say what i want. I pay my taxes like you so Fukk America! and i aint goin nowhere till i got enough money to make a good livin somewhere else, then im OUT! You don't like it, take it up with the constitution... fukk all religions and all the troops!!! FREEDOM BABY!!! love it or leave it!

if you have a dysfunctional family you supposed to leave them like that? you cant be honest about how fukked up it is and wait till your older to move on? fukk outta here. This is MY house, and i leave when i feel like it... ;)