That being said there's nothing wrong with e-books. All the ploys and tricks used to suppress information in a library are still in play with ebooks. The information is what's important NOT the medium. Period.

That being said there's nothing wrong with e-books. All the ploys and tricks used to suppress information in a library are still in play with ebooks. The information is what's important NOT the medium. Period.
you'll have to elaborate as to
you'll have to elaborate as toyou're
ing about.
Information is important, not the medium.
Now you respond with something meaningful and we can have a proper discussion. (that's how this normally works.)
it's important only in the sense that we've have a dendancy to move from the difficult to something easier.The medium is obviously important or we would not have went from cave walls to papyrus to paper to digital format. I personally think paper IS the best of both worlds and digitized works should be used as a supplement, due to it's volatile and easily manipulated nature. Yes paper can be manipulated as well but it takes a significantly greater effort.
it's important only in the sense that we've have a dendancy to move from the difficult to something easier.
And please tell me where you get manipulation of digital is easier than manipulation of paper in regards to information that has already been disseminated?
you sure obamarr and the jews don't want to take away my books?how did all those books get into that library? Wasn't magic was it? No Someone ordered them based on most likely popularity or request or some other "method/algorithm" was used to select those books. Those books were then categorized via a system. When you want information on a particular subject you most likely go to a card catelog (probably digital) and look for that TYPE of book. You then are limited to what's in that library. Ultimately going online and researching is going to yield more results, Period. You may have to go to a library to find one of the books you found online but never the less all research starts off with a query into already done research and if you're ONLY RELYING ON GOOGLE to start that search then you're a fukin idiot to begin with.
That being said there's nothing wrong with e-books. All the ploys and tricks used to suppress information in a library are still in play with ebooks. The information is what's important NOT the medium. Period.
Libraries will still be important because those writing the ebooks will want to get paid. Those who can't afford to pay for those ebooks will still need to check them. Why do we go to libraries now? So we don't have to buy the books. That'll be the same reason we'll go to libraries in the future, only i suspect that instead of getting a physical book, you'll get a time locked digital copy with read only rights to your book for say 2 weeks at which point the pdf file or whatever it may be will either lock or delete.
Difficult isn't the right word. Portability and durability seem to be the biggest reasons we switch mediums. There are quite a few reasons why paper is the best all-around medium at the moment.
Simple, it's easy to SQL inject or DDOS a site and manipulate/ phish as you see fit. It's much harder to do that with a physical book outside of sneaking in my house and replacing the hard copy.
good point. I'm sure the master plan for how to fuk over minorities (arguably the least read class of all the classes) is to take their sure obamarr and the jews don't want to take away my books?![]()
That'll be the same reason we'll go to libraries in the future, only i suspect that instead of getting a physical book, you'll get a time locked digital copy with read only rights to your book for say 2 weeks at which point the pdf file or whatever it may be will either lock or delete.
your entire argument centers around the idea that someone is going to go out and mass hack the world BLINDLY might I add, in order to change a book? That's the argument for paper>digital?
so has mass book burning.It's happened before.
good point. I'm sure the master plan for how to fuk over minorities (arguably the least read class of all the classes) is to take their books.
i've been following the progress of this since dude first blogged about it a little under a year ago. that shyt is crazy... why did they have to call it soylent? some humans are lazy as fukk.You know what's coming next after "fast food" right? Soylent goop. Have fun drinking out of liquid vitamin fountains while Billionaires "lol" as they eat steaks and shrimp.
Either you learn the value of real, physical things or you'll get none. If someone promises you convenience, run the other way.