I’m having a hard time understanding resentment for ALL women.
Like, that takes some real triggering shyt. shyt I’m sure none of the people on the board have experienced.
Like being embarrassed or shamed publicly, and frequently. Like there would have to be an established bad relationship thru history for me to think a person would start disliking or resenting ALL women.
Abuse as a child from a woman. Things like that.
I don’t think anyone here has suffered like that.
Thats not how the subconscious works. Did you know the senses are like algorithms collecting data? They take a small sample size and use that as an overarching blueprint to navigate life. So if youve had your feelings hurt by a few women, In order to protect itself the subconscious may tell you to avoid all women. The subconscious is also about predicting outcomes. The subconscious does this to protect you. But in doing so,also creates more scenarios and logs memories that never actually happened. For example someone may remember a girl rejected them because their subconciouS predicted she would. But in reality he/she never actually made an attempt out of fear of that prediction coming true. The mind doesnt seperate its a false memory.
The key is having a more positive perception,that looks for the good in your interactions. And gaining validation,in order to create positive memories. This may mean you need to talk to women your uninterested in just to gain positive experiences for the subconcious. The subconscious wont remember they were ugly,obese,twice your age. And the greatest key to getting women is this proverb
"The same way you get children to like you,is the same way you gain the favor of a woman
