Black Panther's Anti-Incel Guide for Success With Women
- Start seeing women as autonomous persons, not as objects, or as a means to an end.
Women often have their own wants, needs, goals, and aspirations that don't involve pleasing men.
- Interact with more people in real life, both men and women.
- Stop filtering your perception of women through the internet/social media/YouTube/The Coli.
- Stop listening to bitter men who only describe women as "children" or capricious, gold-digging harpies.
- Women don't owe you anything. (Nobody does.) If women ain't checking for you, even after you're nice to them or give them attention, they're not "withholding" anything from you.
- Dust off some old hobbies, or pick up a new one. Work out, learn to cook, volunteer, something. Women are attracted to a passionate man.
I've dropped many drawls just by being a f*ckin' comic book artist. 
- Give women something to be interested in other than being a "nice guy". Nice guys only finish last if "nice" is all they have to offer.
- After building rapport, be upfront with your intentions. (The "building rapport" part is important).
The best way to escape the "friendzone" is to take the "friend" option off the table.
If you're wanting something else but she's not wanting to be anything other than platonic friends, move on. There are better uses of your time.
- If you trying to smash, be chill about it. She'll send you signals.
- Taoist thrust, always
BONUS: If you do all the things I've listed and a women still turns you down, you should--and I can't stress this enough--
Prioritize your time enough to know when it's being wasted.
That doesn't mean to completely ghost her or treat her like sh*t. It actually may have nothing to do with you. Just charge it to the game
she missed out.
EDIT: Updated 7/3/2019