I heard pimpin is deadRead some psalms proverbs and ecclesiasties
It’s purified pimpin
Gods word is good for you
Beliee dat pleyboi

I heard pimpin is deadRead some psalms proverbs and ecclesiasties
It’s purified pimpin
Gods word is good for you
Beliee dat pleyboi
Real shyt, you’ll be disappointed if you depend on another human being for your happinessYou think like that because you started believing the shyt you see on tv, and how you feel about the women in your life like your mother. Once you realize this world is just about getting money, and fukking, then the love comes later, then you wouldn't resent women, you would be looking for the one for you while fukking around. If you study history, women have always been apart of some bullshyt just like men, they aren't special. They are just different from us, and have strength in making you relaxed, but once you start looking at her into something special you are in "idol" territory. You should never idolize another person, that's how they control you, only to hurt you.
nikka just enjoy life. If you love your job, you already got that in the bag. On your days off go out and just chill doing other shyt you like. Have a beer to relax, and just enjoy your day, the p*ssy will come. Once you stop with the falling in love bullshyt, you will fall in love, so no resentment to have. Why would you resent a woman for being a woman, and you a man? The only reason I can think of is you put them on a fake pedestal. If you saw them for who they are, you won't be mad, just find the one you can deal with. That's what they are doing to you, most people are not with someone they like 100%, at least at that moment. Later on you never know who will meet. In the mean time you fukk with hoes, good girls, working chicks, church chicks, whoever. Just enjoy your life, and everything works out! Women are not your mother, until you find one close, enjoy what females have to offer, its better then being up under guys all day. You need women to keep you sane, just pick the right one!
You gotta change your thinking, and look at the bigger picture, you have been pumped full of doctrine
Females are human, and NOT the weaker vessel, you just proved you have been indoctrinated. Just because a woman can't live heavy weights easily, that doesn't mean she is weak. Her power comes in the ability to relax your mind, and have you thinking the way she wants.
What is a woman's purpose on earth that is so special, besides giving birth to another human? The actual feminine energy is special, because it balances out the masculine energy of aggressiveness, but just that alone doesn't make a chick special, its how she uses that energy that makes her special. Some use it to get material things out of men, others use it to build a family, which is still for her, but if she does it right, benefits everyone involved
But shyt... we can say for certain that the vast majority of their problems stem from men somehow...
Like the example u just gave....
Usually some man not being around to raise his daughter, create a women that does the things that men like OP resent
Black Panther's Anti-Incel Guide for Success With Women :blackpblessed:
- Start seeing women as autonomous persons, not as objects, or as a means to an end.
Women often have their own wants, needs, goals, and aspirations that don't involve pleasing men.
- Interact with more people in real life, both men and women.
- Stop filtering your perception of women through the internet/social media/YouTube/The Coli.
- Stop listening to bitter men who only describe women as "children" and capricious, gold-digging harpies.
- Women don't owe you anything. (Nobody does.) If women ain't checking for you, even after you're nice to them or give them attention, they're not "withholding" anything from you.
- Dust off some old hobbies, or pick up a new one. Work out, learn to cook, volunteer, something. Women are attracted to a passionate man.
I've dropped many drawls just by being a f*ckin' comic book artist.
- Give women something to be interested in other than being a "nice guy". Nice guys only finish last if "nice" is all they have to offer.
- After building rapport, be upfront with your intentions. (The "building rapport" part is important).
The best way to escape the "friendzone" is to take the "friend" option off the table. :panthersafe:
If you're wanting something else but she's not wanting to be anything other than platonic friends, move on. There are better uses of your time.
- If you trying to smash, be chill about it. She'll send you signals.
- Taoist thrust, always :bpufedup:
EDIT: Updated 4/24/2019
Black Panther's Anti-Incel Guide for Success With Women :blackpblessed:
BONUS: If you do all the things I've listed and a women still turns you down, you should--and I can't stress this enough--MOVE ON.
- Start seeing women as autonomous persons, not as objects, or as a means to an end.
Women often have their own wants, needs, goals, and aspirations that don't involve pleasing men.
- Interact with more people in real life, both men and women.
- Stop filtering your perception of women through the internet/social media/YouTube/The Coli.
- Stop listening to bitter men who only describe women as "children" and capricious, gold-digging harpies.
- Women don't owe you anything. (Nobody does.) If women ain't checking for you, even after you're nice to them or give them attention, they're not "withholding" anything from you.
- Dust off some old hobbies, or pick up a new one. Work out, learn to cook, volunteer, something. Women are attracted to a passionate man.
I've dropped many drawls just by being a f*ckin' comic book artist.
- Give women something to be interested in other than being a "nice guy". Nice guys only finish last if "nice" is all they have to offer.
- After building rapport, be upfront with your intentions. (The "building rapport" part is important).
The best way to escape the "friendzone" is to take the "friend" option off the table. :panthersafe:
If you're wanting something else but she's not wanting to be anything other than platonic friends, move on. There are better uses of your time.
- If you trying to smash, be chill about it. She'll send you signals.
- Taoist thrust, always :bpufedup:
Prioritize your time enough to know when it's being wasted.:panthersafe:
That doesn't mean to completely ghost her or treat her like sh*t. It actually may have nothing to do with you. Just charge it to the game :kanyebp: she missed out.
EDIT: Updated 7/3/2019
Black Panther's Anti-Incel Guide for Success With Women :blackpblessed:
BONUS: If you do all the things I've listed and a women still turns you down, you should--and I can't stress this enough--MOVE ON.
- Start seeing women as autonomous persons, not as objects, or as a means to an end.
Women often have their own wants, needs, goals, and aspirations that don't involve pleasing men.
- Interact with more people in real life, both men and women.
- Stop filtering your perception of women through the internet/social media/YouTube/The Coli.
- Stop listening to bitter men who only describe women as "children" and capricious, gold-digging harpies.
- Women don't owe you anything. (Nobody does.) If women ain't checking for you, even after you're nice to them or give them attention, they're not "withholding" anything from you.
- Dust off some old hobbies, or pick up a new one. Work out, learn to cook, volunteer, something. Women are attracted to a passionate man.
I've dropped many drawls just by being a f*ckin' comic book artist.
- Give women something to be interested in other than being a "nice guy". Nice guys only finish last if "nice" is all they have to offer.
- After building rapport, be upfront with your intentions. (The "building rapport" part is important).
The best way to escape the "friendzone" is to take the "friend" option off the table. :panthersafe:
If you're wanting something else but she's not wanting to be anything other than platonic friends, move on. There are better uses of your time.
- If you trying to smash, be chill about it. She'll send you signals.
- Taoist thrust, always :bpufedup:
Prioritize your time enough to know when it's being wasted.:panthersafe:
That doesn't mean to completely ghost her or treat her like sh*t. It actually may have nothing to do with you. Just charge it to the game :kanyebp: she missed out.
EDIT: Updated 7/3/2019
This really deserves to be in the thread quick little gems on dealing women. I think I’m going to do a similar post but more on women’s nature cause let’s be honest ...this is what men really resent. I’m inspired ill do a post on women’s nature. I would rather give some insight or some form of solution than to laugh and call nikkas lame.
Harsh but truth95% Of Females Are Grown Kids Quit Having Lofty Expections For Them And Just Have Fun.
Old Head Once Told Me That The Only Women That Love You For Real Are In Your Family. I Live By That shyt.
Females With Sense Are Rare But They Exist. Quality Women More Often Than Not Come From Good Homes With Both Parents But There Are Exceptions.
Yall Get Jaded On Women Because Yall Expect Them To Move Honorably. Hoes Is The Fakest People You'll Meet Dawg![]()
Just Have Fun With Them My Guy And Don't Ignore Your Gut. You'll Know The Right One When The Time Comes. But U Need To Experience Different Women
Black Panther's Anti-Incel Guide for Success With Women :blackpblessed:
BONUS: If you do all the things I've listed and a women still turns you down, you should--and I can't stress this enough--MOVE ON.
- Start seeing women as autonomous persons, not as objects, or as a means to an end.
Women often have their own wants, needs, goals, and aspirations that don't involve pleasing men.
- Interact with more people in real life, both men and women.
- Stop filtering your perception of women through the internet/social media/YouTube/The Coli.
- Stop listening to bitter men who only describe women as "children" or capricious, gold-digging harpies.
- Women don't owe you anything. (Nobody does.) If women ain't checking for you, even after you're nice to them or give them attention, they're not "withholding" anything from you.
- Dust off some old hobbies, or pick up a new one. Work out, learn to cook, volunteer, something. Women are attracted to a passionate man.
I've dropped many drawls just by being a f*ckin' comic book artist.
- Give women something to be interested in other than being a "nice guy". Nice guys only finish last if "nice" is all they have to offer.
- After building rapport, be upfront with your intentions. (The "building rapport" part is important).
The best way to escape the "friendzone" is to take the "friend" option off the table. :panthersafe:
If you're wanting something else but she's not wanting to be anything other than platonic friends, move on. There are better uses of your time.
- If you trying to smash, be chill about it. She'll send you signals.
- Taoist thrust, always :bpufedup:
Prioritize your time enough to know when it's being wasted.:panthersafe:
That doesn't mean to completely ghost her or treat her like sh*t. It actually may have nothing to do with you. Just charge it to the game :kanyebp: she missed out.
EDIT: Updated 7/3/2019
Man, pimpin ain't dead, these hoes just scared and they lyin' tryin' and dyin' to be leadI heard pimpin is dead![]()
nikkas dont want advice, they want agreement and validationI would rather give some insight or some form of solution than to laugh and call nikkas lame.