How did we get to the point where some of y'all dislike LGBTQ more than white supremacists


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks

This is not new behavior.​


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
I came in here to troll but there's been some decent takes in here, whether or not I agree with it. Not all of tlr suffers from addle brain.:ehh:

And this topic is weird considering the only times I hear about or see queers is when someone is shytting on them. Most of my lgtbq hot goss come from the ppl who claim to hate the lgtbq. I had to put my family in Nashville on how trannies in Nashville be dancing in front of their kids. They were suprised.


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
A lot of stuff that happens on here isn’t representative of real life black peoples. This site, especially TLR, is entertainment and fukkery and shouldn’t be anything else to someone with serious political awareness and maturity.

The rampant nihilism, gender wars, diaspora wars, allegiance to far-right politics and the worship of non-black people isn’t real life. It’s internet shyt that is being practiced by undercover cacs/non-blacks or really fringe weirdos who happen to be black but jaded and asocial.

I say this as someone who used to participate in the gender war shyt. I used to really get heated about this shyt but in real life no one cares about that shyt. I’ve dated non-black women and no one cared or gave me trouble in the black community. I see IR couples all the time in black spaces and no one cares for the most part. Most black people in real life are normal hardworking people with a devout and deep sense of justice and fairness. This site and other “black” online spaces doesn’t always reflect that imho.

To the original/primary topic, I think a lot of cats on here aren’t even black or worse they may be black but on some weirdo shyt. That’s all. LGBT people don’t bother me, especially the black ones. I have empathy for them. They’re black just like me and they have to deal with being a sexual minority and are often poor too. It cannot be easy.

I love black people. I’m focused on reparations, infra-racial networking, mentorship and cultural development. All the other stuff is background noise and fukkery.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
How can you say all that and then reach such a shytty conclusion? They have their rights protected (except the black ones). fukk whether or not we're being pit against each other, I'm trynna get MY rights protected.

ps, Trayvon wasn't even killed by a cop, just a random private citizen.

That's the whole point, the "TQ+" ain't just doing the shyt in private no more.

1. If they are black then by your very own DEFINITION they don't. The black gay experience is fundamentally different from everyone else and any gay black person would tell you that.

1.5 Obviously But to say that Travon's murder didn't re-open the conversation over the summary execution of black people (by police or otherwise) is intellectually dishonest. And to say the police, and their lack of response, to that encounter wasn't part of the problem either is also dishonest.

2. If you don't think this culture war bullshyt isn't also made to obfuscate anti-black shyt as well then you ain't paying attention. Look how easy it was in Florida to slide in some sweeping education changes (around saying slavery was BENIFICIAL to black people), right next to the book banning of LGBTQ stories. The attack is quadruple pronged. Mostly because black people, Latino people, white women and gay people combined will be able to win nearly every election in every major state. So, you erode the collective spirit of these communities (book banning), take away their rights (abortion and voting rights) or make sure they don't get here in the first place (immigration) and then white men can still control the country.

Its a "first they came for the gays, then the latinos, then they came for me" kinda thing. By not fighting for the rights of marginalized make it significantly easier for the power group to oppress YOU TOO.

3. Two things can be true at the same time. For as much as there is a cadre of (mostly white) LGBTQ lobbyists and power brokers. There's also an element okie-doke (mostly from the Right) in getting black/brown people to be upset at gender/sexual politics.


NC Pleighboy
Nov 23, 2016
Ima keep it 100. I like gay/lesbians. I’ve had ppl I fukks with for decades in both those categories.
It’s these mostly white trans women that annoy the fukk outta me. They take their white make privilege n attitude and try that shyt as a big shouldered hairy woman. fukk that shyt. I’m not gunna treat you bad but I’m definitely not about to treat you like a woman. Idc what anyone on any political side thinks or feels about it. I’m in Vegas 80% of the trehs that come into my job are annoying n extra. That shyt is a legit mental illness.
When I was in tsa a white treh put me on game. She was in my training class n would spend the whole class trying to find tranny loop holes in policy. One time she turned to me n said “ well I’m technically a woman so ima bring my purse where it’s not allowed because woman are allowed due to being able to carry tampons. I don’t use ‘em but I still wanna carry mine in this restricted area!. Lol”

That’s when I saw it’s just about doing what they want rather it actually makes sense or is for an actual reason. It’s a bunch of white losers saying “ well technically or actually “ about shyt that doesn’t even pertain to them. When I left the higher ups we’re debating on rather to just get rid of allowing purses in restricted areas full stop. To be fair to everyone. Trehs are not prowoman most of the time they are only pro-themselves.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Are yall aware that not everybody uses social media,and knows everyones posting history? Some people just see a tweet and post it,its really not that serious. I dont even look at the twitter name before I post a tweet.

This all goes back to yall looking for more ways to convince people that not doing (blank thing that democrats want ie loving gays+voting Biden) means your a right wing republican.

How about I heard about the Klan rally,but obviously had no intentions of going. Went to my old hang out spot,and its now filled with trannys and kids dressed as opposite genders#SickPuppyshyt

By coli logic as soon as I step outside its "Get your damn Klansmen ass back in there:damn:"

Nah,Im good out here chief,I refuse to grind on Raul just to ease your suspicions:respect:


cats rule, dogs drool
Mar 11, 2022
propaganda is very effective OP. i think the anti-gay stuff works because it challenges peoples perceptions of masculinity... most people think of masculinity as something like working on cars, lifting weights, being a player, etc when in all reality theres no "right" way to be a male. our perceptions come from how we feel as a society. that shyt doesnt matter... what matters is hatred, especially the way its been building. were going to see some scary shyt soon. people have already died for trump, and more would relish the opportunity.

personally when i go shopping i know where the nearest exit is. yall be safe out there