Say No To NASA!
im rocking the no shapeup ;ook right now and the girls seem to like it..they tell me i look european 

if you go to a good barber who knows where to keep your hairline that's not going to happen.
Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans get line-ups just as much as we do.
The straight hairline is very common among those with african genetics
Again I think you are making up your own facts, its all about the person, not everything has to do about race. Some white people care about their shapeups, some white people dont. My friends would make fun of me if my hair is jacked up, and I would do the same. I have many black friends that do the same shyt. My boy went 3 weeks without a shape up, looked like a little animal was growing on his head, we all made fun of him until he took care of it.
It's not really something I just dreamt up if you go back and read the thread. Although we may not all agree why it is done, the consensus is that it is apart of the culture. African american culture. To be completely honest, you can not even cut caucasian people hair the same way as african hair. This is definantly a racial thing. Having a few african friends as a caucasian person doesn't change that.
Nope I was going more the route saying I am on your side of the fence. I am on the side of that you should always have a shape up, that was my confusion ;)
Who gives a shyt, when i had hair i had my shyt crispy at the end of every week...nothing made me feel better than leaving the barber shop looking fresh..
Alright so you did. That would make you an anomaly by taking this route and being hired. Here are some black business men.
It's not really a case of what is maybe or maybe not. Black men are expected to clean up, cut/shape up for work and are encouraged to do so unless you want to be left behind in the search for employment. I get what you mean when you say caucasians don't completely know or understand what that means for a black man, but there is alot of inconsistancy in your replies. "aint no white people checking for your hairline" then, "they care more about your length/facial than edge". It's either they care none, or they do care, and they do, based on a majority favor..not a few exceptions.
Here are black billionaires...........
Speak for yourselfThere's more expected out of black men. I've seen dudes of other races dressed like complete shyt with a good looking woman, but let a black man dress like that