How can Cyborg reach the modern prominence of BP?


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
This is why it's best for Black people to create their own stories, found their own companies/studios.etc. White men generally don't handle Black characters that well, and don't care enough. I think a part of it is because writing a superhero is typically a "self-insert" process for writers and obviously White writers will have problems putting themselves in the shoes of a Black/minority character.

Even BP fell by the wayside after the late 60's-70's, until Priest picked him up and made him into a legitimate badass, enhancing his traits and abilities enough to have him hold his own with some of Marvel's biggest heavy hitters.

there was a black comic imprint that was gaining traction and clout but DC brought them out remember...:manny: how hard is it to hire black writers who want to write comic books...:stopitslime:


Jan 1, 2018
DC execs saw John Stewart getting in them guts of Hawkgirl and Vixen back in the 2004 toon and were like


Once McDuffie died and Timm stepped away, Stewart got put on timeout, Kaldur gay, Static got no game and no screentime, Cyborg is Cyborg, and Black Lightning a thot for the enemy :mjlol:
His story at DC makes me sad everytime I think about it, they gave him so much shyt for putting 3 blac9 characters in the JL.


Jan 1, 2018
This is why I say FUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKK all this "Hey, guys we've got the Black (insert traditionally white character)/

It's insulting to people who know there's atleast 15 black superheros between Marvel and DC with mass appeal.

I didn't know about David Walker, who seems a good dude wrote some of Cyborg

I take that back; a post in here made me remember something
Personally I don't think it's that insulting anymore, comic book fans are extremely picky and stuck in their ways. They don't support anything new, black or not. The last original characters to really pop off were Harley Quinn and Deadpool...that was the 90s and they came from popular franchises. Miles Morales would've died with the Ultimate Universe if he wasn't called Spiderman. There's a reason there's like 10 Spiderman, Wolverine and Batman characters because Marvel and DC don't really have a choice.


Jan 1, 2018
And then they buried the rest of their black characters. Aqualad is gay. Mister terrific is gay in the show and not important in the comics. Cyborg is wack and Martian manhunter would be their only good black character although he's technically an alien disguised as a black guy. Oh and green lantern. Black lightening and static shock are weak.
Mr. Terrific has his own comic right now, it's one of the best titles on DC.


May 7, 2012
Mr. Terrific has his own comic right now, it's one of the best titles on DC.
Honestly, this was a very recent development.

Go back to 2011 when DC (soft) revamped their entire universe (new 52?), including rewriting history to make Cyborg a founding member of the Justice League. While this was going on, they gave a rebooted Mr. Terrific a solo series with dog shyt art and an even worse story.. at the time the writer had Terrific fukking Power Girl (with hints that his deceased wife was still canon) but then after that series crashed and burned, Terrific was pretty much put on the shelf for the next 7 fukking years. Barely a peep,

(There was one story about Batman Beyond coming to an alternate modern DC world to stop some age of ultron machine take over and Michael was a fairly used side character but that story was dropped or wasn't canon and **** went back to obscurity)

It literally wasn't until they made a gay version of this nygga in the Arrow show that DC felt compelled to bring him back... so they slapped together a throw-away comic intended to copy the Fantastic Four (with Mr. Terrfic being Mr. Fantastic/the brains) that also coincided with the F4 returning to comics after a hiatus. Surprisingly (and fortunately) this copy-attempt (The Terrifics) found a niche audience and has held steady with decent sales.. tho i'm not sure about the promoting or relevance to the greater DCU events.

Still, unlike his botched solo of 8 years ago, they actually gave a fukk about the plot line and the art. Up until then, the only hetero black male i felt was gettin fukked over worse than Stewart was Terrific.


May 7, 2012
Personally I don't think it's that insulting anymore, comic book fans are extremely picky and stuck in their ways. They don't support anything new, black or not. The last original characters to really pop off were Harley Quinn and Deadpool...that was the 90s and they came from popular franchises. Miles Morales would've died with the Ultimate Universe if he wasn't called Spiderman. There's a reason there's like 10 Spiderman, Wolverine and Batman characters because Marvel and DC don't really have a choice.

The issue i have is they'd let Miles die but Hawkeye will be allowed to fail over and over again despite his books always bombing (up until they made him be a supporting character to female hawkeye). Then despite no one caring about Hawkeye, they'll still make him a lead/focal character of all their major events: Secret Empire, Civil War II, No Road Home. This cac is a ficitonal industry plant lol. Mainly because he's a cac.

Or they'll treat Rhodey like shyt, kill him off, but then give Punisher his warmachine armor and treat Frank like he's got Batman sales... they'll make Frank the new Cosmic Ghost Rider despite having the polar opposite personality (they gave a long-winded juelzin origin to explain), and put Frank in a "Savage Avengers" book...

Now yes, the same 200k Americans who buy Marvel or DC comics monthly in the 2,000 comic shops around America are all largely one demographic type whereas the millions of americans who will buy the toys, bookbags, PS4/Capcom games, or imax tickets don't know anything about Magneto outside of what they recall from a '92 cartoon... so while corporations will realize who the more profitable/accepting audience to focus on is... these a$$holes in the comic industry are still too shameless and lazy to try, outside of the typical batman/spiderman/superman spamming.


Jan 1, 2018
The issue i have is they'd let Miles die but Hawkeye will be allowed to fail over and over again despite his books always bombing (up until they made him be a supporting character to female hawkeye). Then despite no one caring about Hawkeye, they'll still make him a lead/focal character of all their major events: Secret Empire, Civil War II, No Road Home. This cac is a ficitonal industry plant lol. Mainly because he's a cac.

Or they'll treat Rhodey like shyt, kill him off, but then give Punisher his warmachine armor and treat Frank like he's got Batman sales... they'll make Frank the new Cosmic Ghost Rider despite having the polar opposite personality (they gave a long-winded juelzin origin to explain), and put Frank in a "Savage Avengers" book...

Now yes, the same 200k Americans who buy Marvel or DC comics monthly in the 2,000 comic shops around America are all largely one demographic type whereas the millions of americans who will buy the toys, bookbags, PS4/Capcom games, or imax tickets don't know anything about Magneto outside of what they recall from a '92 cartoon... so while corporations will realize who the more profitable/accepting audience to focus on is... these a$$holes in the comic industry are still too shameless and lazy to try, outside of the typical batman/spiderman/superman spamming.
I feel you, I peeped the fukkery years ago. They have several characters like that Black Widow, Cap Marvel, She Hulk, Iron Fist. I also hated the Punisher in War Machine suit thing, all the characters like Sam and Riri were catching MAJOR heat for taking another characters mantle but they was cool with the Punisher and he beat up a whole team worth of avengers in his book. He didn't even know how to pilot it :gucci: . NONE of them angry ass white boys had any smoke for the Punisher, the same thing happened when Doom became Iron Man.


Jan 1, 2018
Honestly, this was a very recent development.

Go back to 2011 when DC (soft) revamped their entire universe (new 52?), including rewriting history to make Cyborg a founding member of the Justice League. While this was going on, they gave a rebooted Mr. Terrific a solo series with dog shyt art and an even worse story.. at the time the writer had Terrific fukking Power Girl (with hints that his deceased wife was still canon) but then after that series crashed and burned, Terrific was pretty much put on the shelf for the next 7 fukking years. Barely a peep,

(There was one story about Batman Beyond coming to an alternate modern DC world to stop some age of ultron machine take over and Michael was a fairly used side character but that story was dropped or wasn't canon and **** went back to obscurity)

It literally wasn't until they made a gay version of this nygga in the Arrow show that DC felt compelled to bring him back... so they slapped together a throw-away comic intended to copy the Fantastic Four (with Mr. Terrfic being Mr. Fantastic/the brains) that also coincided with the F4 returning to comics after a hiatus. Surprisingly (and fortunately) this copy-attempt (The Terrifics) found a niche audience and has held steady with decent sales.. tho i'm not sure about the promoting or relevance to the greater DCU events.

Still, unlike his botched solo of 8 years ago, they actually gave a fukk about the plot line and the art. Up until then, the only hetero black male i felt was gettin fukked over worse than Stewart was Terrific.
They did him real dirty, I'm surprised his book is doing well. Also the funny thing is I wasn't bothered when they made gay on the show I was just happy he was appearing. When he actually appeared, they made him a complete bytch a flunky to Felicity I was pissed. Then the nikka was throwing his spheres at first. :what: Completely ruined his character, if I didn't know about him before his portrayal in that show wouldn't have convinced me to read his comics.

Don't even get me started on Stewart, gotta be the biggest fumble in DC next to Blue Beetle. A whole generation grew up with him as the lantern and instead of capitalizing they brought Hal back and made him the undisputed #1.


Suffering From Success | 1316 Days
Jun 8, 2012
The Island of Relevancy, Forever
Personally I don't think it's that insulting anymore, comic book fans are extremely picky and stuck in their ways. They don't support anything new, black or not. The last original characters to really pop off were Harley Quinn and Deadpool...that was the 90s and they came from popular franchises. Miles Morales would've died with the Ultimate Universe if he wasn't called Spiderman. There's a reason there's like 10 Spiderman, Wolverine and Batman characters because Marvel and DC don't really have a choice.

That's not true. And things "pop off" when you put work into it. This whole thread is full of reason nobody wants a Cyborg movie.

Carol Danvers, Ant Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Widow, Hawkeye. None of them were poppin' when I really do into being a hardcore comic book customer. And that was only in 2010.

I was watching a video about Marvel last night; younger kids are not going to become hardcore comic book fans because too many thing compete for their attention (IG, Twitter, binge watching shows, etc.). Most comic book fans are still older.

And most of the new stuff is teeny booper bullshyt that gets pushed way too hard when the demo of ppl actually buying single issues is still mid 30's and up.

I love the new X-Men stuff. And even their "teen centered" book isn't Disney channel, teenaged drama.

"don't really have a choice"?? Nah, fam, they either are trying to impress Twitter blue checks or children.


Suffering From Success | 1316 Days
Jun 8, 2012
The Island of Relevancy, Forever
David Walker's Cyborg run had mixed reviews. I didn't like it (too much focus on the daddy issues stuff) and the stuff he tried didn't land for me... but it was brought to my attention in other boards (or on here, I forget) that editorial fought him often on what the character and direction needed to be.

So basically simply having someone with a better vision isn't enough if the higher ups wouldn't support


Unfortunately, I don't read Teen Titans or Justice League (they moved him from TT to Justice League as the movies were coming out), so I don't know if they write him, better.

I'm researching now and it looks like David only got 6 issues.

He DIDN'T write on the Rebirth version. He wrote on the version that came out years after New 52.

Again, I read all this and forgot who wrote what. I'm just now remembering Vic using nano-tech to appear like a regular human.


John Semper Jr (who doesn't have any work on Amazon other than the Cyborg run) wrote the Rebirth version.

Again, I've seen too many obscure characters become popular with a push (Guardians, Carol Danvers, Antman, etc.)

And you're right, they had the support of the higher ups

Get a damn experience writer on this DC! Especially if you plan on doing a movie!


Suffering From Success | 1316 Days
Jun 8, 2012
The Island of Relevancy, Forever
The issue i have is they'd let Miles die but Hawkeye will be allowed to fail over and over again despite his books always bombing (up until they made him be a supporting character to female hawkeye). Then despite no one caring about Hawkeye, they'll still make him a lead/focal character of all their major events: Secret Empire, Civil War II, No Road Home. This cac is a ficitonal industry plant lol. Mainly because he's a cac.

Again, this is why I don't like the take up the mantle thing, because you become disposable to the comic audience.

Granted people love Superior Spider-Man--I do too, :yeshrug:As a non Spidey fan, that was the best comic book I was reading at the time it came out.

IMO, keep Miles as Spider Man, but, in another city--Miles should be in college by now.

I haven't heard shyt about Ironheart in years.

Sidebar: Civil War II :beli: = An event I know was gonna be trash one issue in.

Still got this ill variant, tho :ahh:



Jan 1, 2018
That's not true. And things "pop off" when you put work into it. This whole thread is full of reason nobody wants a Cyborg movie.

Carol Danvers, Ant Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Widow, Hawkeye. None of them were poppin' when I really do into being a hardcore comic book customer. And that was only in 2010.

I was watching a video about Marvel last night; younger kids are not going to become hardcore comic book fans because too many thing compete for their attention (IG, Twitter, binge watching shows, etc.). Most comic book fans are still older.

And most of the new stuff is teeny booper bullshyt that gets pushed way too hard when the demo of ppl actually buying single issues is still mid 30's and up.

I love the new X-Men stuff. And even their "teen centered" book isn't Disney channel, teenaged drama.

"don't really have a choice"?? Nah, fam, they either are trying to impress Twitter blue checks or children.
My bad I should've clarified I meant brand new characters, I was tying it to my point about Miles and other black legacy characters. I also don't doubt the information you received from that video for a second. From experience kids are waaaaaaay more interested in manga.

I don't fault the fans completely, Marvel and DC could try a lot harder. Outside of the content I think their books are way overpriced, 3.99 and 4.99 shouldn't be the norm for 20 pages of entertainment.


Jan 1, 2018

Unfortunately, I don't read Teen Titans or Justice League (they moved him from TT to Justice League as the movies were coming out), so I don't know if they write him, better.

I'm researching now and it looks like David only got 6 issues.

He DIDN'T write on the Rebirth version. He wrote on the version that came out years after New 52.

Again, I read all this and forgot who wrote what. I'm just now remembering Vic using nano-tech to appear like a regular human.


John Semper Jr (who doesn't have any work on Amazon other than the Cyborg run) wrote the Rebirth version.

Again, I've seen too many obscure characters become popular with a push (Guardians, Carol Danvers, Antman, etc.)

And you're right, they had the support of the higher ups

Get a damn experience writer on this DC! Especially if you plan on doing a movie!
Such a beautiful design and they ditched it to go with that clunky bs. :mjcry:

And they gave him that awful C logo :francis:


Jan 1, 2018
Again, this is why I don't like the take up the mantle thing, because you become disposable to the comic audience.

Granted people love Superior Spider-Man--I do too, :yeshrug:As a non Spidey fan, that was the best comic book I was reading at the time it came out.

IMO, keep Miles as Spider Man, but, in another city--Miles should be in college by now.

I haven't heard shyt about Ironheart in years.

Sidebar: Civil War II :beli: = An event I know was gonna be trash one issue in.

Still got this ill variant, tho :ahh:

Ironheart had a solo last year (12 issues) and she was featured in a team book (Champions). She was much more enjoyable after Bendis left.

I agree about Miles as well but some reason Marvel wants to have a million characters stationed in New York. :gucci: