How Breitbart Laundered Racist Hate: connections b/w key Breitbart & Alt-Right—Many ppl caught up!

Aug 16, 2017
This expose will do nothing. They may get publicly shamed, and lose money, but the beliefs of millions of white people have been exposed. Their defense is, anyone who mentions race, is racist. Or anythng negative about white people is racist, but anything negative about anyone else, is just telling it like it is. Until we have an economic base, and our own thriving communities, it doesn't matter how many articles exposing the alt right come out. These people are our bosses, cops, judges, juries, and all kinds of positions to hurt us. They know they can get away with it. Some are smarter than others, and at least pretend to be outraged, or are nice enough to our faces. Even the ones who don't identify with the alt right have most of the same beliefs.

The rise of comment sections tells us everything we need to know about what has been said about us for decades. They never said it in front of non-whites before, so who was there to tell them it was racist? Now they want to act oppressed because we think they're racist. What does that do to them beaides crush their egos? They look down on us, we have no power, yet they care about our opinions, and need us to like them. The platform doesn't matter. The beliefs do.


Jan 5, 2017
Here Are the Most Insane Details to Emerge From Buzzfeed’s Breitbart Blockbuster

BuzzFeed has just come out with an absolute blockbuster of a story that reveals how closely Breitbart worked with neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and alt-righters and incorporated their ideas into the site’s content. The bombshell highlighted how former tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos recruited the help of white nationalists to put together Breitbart’s big March 2016 feature on the alt-right, ‘An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right.’

Now, this behemoth of a piece by BuzzFeed is a must-read on its own due to how much it exposes about Milo, ex-White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, the site’s association with white nationalism, and the financing behind the news outlet. However, what we will helpfully do for you is highlight some of the craziest details in the report.

Milo Sings ‘America the Beautiful’ — To Nazi Salutes

There is a previously unreleased video of Yiannopoulos singing the patriotic song at a Dallas karaoke bar in April 2016. And well-known white supremacist Richard Spencer was there with other Milo admirers. And, yep, they raised their arms and gave Nazi salutes at his performance. However, Yiannopoulos claimed he never saw the salutes:

He added that during his karaoke performance, his “severe myopia” made it impossible for him to see the Hitler salutes a few feet away.

Milo Tried to Take Sole Credit on the Alt-Right Guide

Yiannopoulos’ writing partner, Allum Bokhari, apparently did most of the actual work on the comprehensive guide. However, Milo wanted all the credit because of course. He wrote emails to Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow asking if he could take all the glory while telling Bokhari that management just wanted his name on the piece.

Also, there was another sensitive issue to be raised: credit. “Allum did most of the work on this and wants joint [byline] but I want the glory here,” Yiannopoulos wrote back to Marlow. “I am telling him you said it’s sensitive and want my byline alone on it.”

Minutes later, Yiannopoulos emailed Bokhari. “I was going to have Marlow collude with me … about the byline on the alt right thing because I want to take it solo. Will you hate me too much if I do that? … Truthfully management is very edgy on this one (They love it but it’s racially charged) and they would prefer it.”

Bannon Tears Milo a New One

Yiannopoulos was upset about a story that Breitbart London had published that claimed anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller had been threatened by a London college student. Milo emailed Bannon complaining about the article, calling it “horseshyt” and recommending that it be pulled because Geller herself said it was “rubbish.” He also told Bannon in the email that they should win with the truth. Bannon was NOT happy.

Six minutes later, Bannon wrote back to his tech editor in a fury. “Your [sic] full of shyt. When I need your advice on anything I will ask. … The tech site is a total clusterfukk—meaningless stories written by juveniles. You don’t have a clue how to build a company or what real content is. And you don’t have long to figure it out or your [sic] gone. … You are magenalia [sic].”

(Geller clarified to BuzzFeed News in a statement that she believed it was “rubbish” that the London university characterized the threats against her as “fake.”)

Bannon Urged Milo to be More Extreme in Public and Offered Private Security From the Mercers

After a live event at a Chicago university featuring Milo ended with Black Lives Matter activists storming the stage, Yiannopoulos confided in Bannon that he was legitimately scared and thought he was going to get punched, stating that he needed protection. Bannon told him he agreed and that he’d use the private security team of the site’s investment partners, billionaire Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah.

“Agree 100%,” Bannon wrote. “We want you to stir up more. Milo: for your eyes only we r going to use the mercers private security company.”

Copied on the email was Dan Fleuette, Bannon’s coproducer at Glittering Steel and the man who acted for months as the go-between for Yiannopoulos and the Mercers.

Milo Had to be Told Not to Host Avowed Racists on His Podcast

Marlow had to step in and tell Milo that he could not have the system administrator for the most notorious white supremacist site on the web, The Daily Stormer, as a guest on his podcast.

“Great provocative guest,” Yiannopoulos wrote. “He’s one of the funniest, smartest and most interesting people I know. … Very on brand for me.”

“Gotta think about it,” Marlow wrote back. “He’s a legit racist. … This is a major strategic decision for this company and as of now I’m leaning against it.” (Weev never appeared on the podcast.)

Milo Used Blatantly Racist Passwords

Just read this passage:

In an April 6 email, Allum Bokhari mentioned having had access to an account of Yiannopoulos’s with “a password that began with the word Kristall.” Kristallnacht, an infamous 1938 riot against German Jews carried out by the SA — the paramilitary organization that helped Hitler rise to power — is sometimes considered the beginning of the Holocaust. In a June 2016 email to an assistant, Yiannopoulos shared the password to his email, which began “LongKnives1290.” The Night of the Long Knives was the Nazi purge of the leadership of the SA. The purge famously included Ernst Röhm, the SA’s gay leader. 1290 is the year King Edward I expelled the Jews from England.

Milo Claimed Donald Trump Parroted His Rhetoric Via Bannon

In an email exchange that featured tweet from a renowned white nationalist celebrating Trump claiming he’d protect free speech on campuses, Yiannopoulos bragged that Trump was using his phrases and that Bannon was feeding them to him.

These are just a small handful of what this utterly insane BuzzFeed piece contains. Do yourself a favor and check it out now for the whole story. Also, check out video of Milo singing at the top of this post, via BuzzFeed.


Jan 5, 2017

2 big takeways from a scandalous report on internal Breitbart documents

A scoop from BuzzFeed News’s Joseph Bernstein, based on internal documents from Breitbart, show how the far-right site gave white nationalists and neo-Nazis a media platform while simultaneously courting reporters at the very liberal outlets that frequently criticized it.

BuzzFeed’s reporting is based on a cache of documents that include emails between Milo Yiannopoulos, the alt-right agitator and former Breitbart News tech editor, and top names in media and far-right politics.

The story contains a slew of salacious details — including Yiannopoulos’s penchant for anti-Semitic email passwords. But one big takeaway is that despite Breitbart’s public insistence that it is not a “hate site,” its editors and writers were well aware they were offering white nationalists and neo-Nazis a platform.

And while Breitbart is publicly viewed as on the fringe of far-right media, the BuzzFeed report shows a friendly give-and-take with reporters at other outlets, who at times fed Yiannopoulos information and ideas for hit pieces.

Until recently, Breitbart had a presence in the West Wing with Breitbart executive Steve Bannon, who served as Trump’s campaign CEO as well as White House chief strategist. These documents and exchanges give a more detailed look at the ideology that spurred so much of Trump’s presidential candidacy. The story is worth reading in full, but here are some of the most striking findings:

The racism behind Breitbart’s mission is explicit

The reporting reveals that the push to cultivate an audience around racially charged and offensive content was explicit — from a video showing Yiannopoulos singing to a crowd of neo-Nazis to an insistence from Bannon that the site “save western civilization” by targeting black activists and female leaders with social media attacks and critical coverage.

Bannon’s instructions to Yiannopoulos used apocalyptic terms:

“Dude---we r in a global existentialist war where our enemy EXISTS in social media and u r jerking yourself off w/ marginalia!!!! U should be OWNING this conversation because u r everything they hate!!! Drop your toys, pick up your tools and go help save western civilization.”

“Message received,” Yiannopoulos wrote back. “I will do a Week of Islam next week.”

“U don’t need that,” Bannon responded. “Just get in the fight---ur Social Media and they have made it a powerful weapon of war. … There is no war correspondent in the west yet dude and u can own it and be remember for 3 generations--or sit around wasting your God-given talents jerking off to your fan base.”

There is a video of Yiannopoulos singing “America the Beautiful” as white nationalist Richard Spencer and neo-Nazis in the crowd raise their arms in Nazi salutes. (Yiannopoulos said he could not see the salutes do to poor vision).

Breitbart wasn’t left among the fringes. Some in liberal media played a helping hand.
More telling, however, is that Yiannopoulos was let in by a few in the liberal media world. Some, including a senior staff writer at Vice’s women’s channel Broadly, Mitchell Sunderland, would send him pitches that only outlets like Breitbart could run. Others would spill background information about some of Yiannopoulos’s targets:

  • Sunderland asked Yiannopoulos to mock New York Times columnist Lindy West, whom he called a “fat feminist.”
  • Dan Lyons, a tech reporter and editor, suggested story ideas and speculated, BuzzFeed wrote, about “the birth sex of Zoë Quinn, another GamerGate target, and Amber Discko, the founder of the feminist website Femsplain.”
  • David Auerbach, a former tech reporter for Slate, “passed along on background information about the love life of Anita Sarkeesian, the GamerGate target; ‘the goods’ about an allegedly racist friend of Arthur Chu, the Jeopardy champion and frequent advocate of social justice causes; and a ‘hot tip’ about harsh anti-harassment tactics implemented by Wikipedia.”
Yiannopoulos’s courting of the mainstream got results: At least two of those tips — Sunderland passing along a Broadly video about the Satanic Temple and abortion rights, and Auerbach’s tip about Wikipedia — turned into Breitbart articles.


Jan 5, 2017
oh no nap, what is you doin baby

skimmed this onslaught of worddiarrhea you just posted, but the email transcript of bannon and these clowns looks like some bootleg photoshop

"Dude u gotta use your gay trolling on twitter to bring about the new era" shyts not believable yes these folks are prolly foul, but this shyt just looks fake as hell and divisive


It's not Photoshoped, its real.


All Star
Apr 11, 2017
South Fulton / Mississippi

It's not Photoshoped, its real.

its a .jpg from buzzfeed

i read the wording used and it didn't fit how i figured they would communicate

guess i overestimated bannon's language abilities :yeshrug:

just saw the vid, damn how the fukk is this acceptable in dallas

if a motherfukker is popping the nazi salute his arm is gonna be crooked shortly


All Star
Apr 11, 2017
South Fulton / Mississippi

shyts insane, nighas really be on some imma sell my soul and do some freaky shyt in the woods

dog this is on par with muslim brehs telling folk to do suicide missions

this foul muthafukka has chicken bones tied to his jean jacket
Mark Leonhart10 months ago
For fukks sake yep you called me out on the game of thrones, I'll admit it. It always helps to have the boot up the arse every now and then. When I look back on myself and realise how disgustingly lazy and fukking weak I was makes me get the fukk up and punish my body until it can't go on, and further. Coming across OPWW was a fukking life change for me, there is only forward, blood and fukking glory. 92.

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