break that script down 4 us bro
I ain't gonna give out too many details cuz this is my retirement even penny in bank account is going into making this a franchise, I even have the character names and likeness copyrighted and trademark under action figures, gymnastic equipment, etc matter of fact I need an artist to design some the ships, and locales for me.
however, it doesn't take much for somebody to flip some shyt and come out with a tweaked version
not to say its completed original, but the story is, despite elements in the Universe I might have got from under works.
It had a father son dynamic in the origin story, not like the Will Smith shyt After Earth, but I had him and Jaden in mind when I started writing, but I also figured in Jaden would be off the proper age to play the main character by the time movie would go into production.
This script is for the babies, its not only going to show a man how to be a father and the importance of it, but its going to motivate nikkaz to level of Grandad on Boondocks dressing like Lando type shyt
It's fantasy element mixed with sci-fi, elaborate customes like a Michael Jackson video everything will be super stylized from the clothes to the weapons.
It's a black movie masked as a white one, you know I gotta make sure to shyt can get sold without it being changed so I use the white man's own semantics against him, because after being out in LA, meeting some white writers some who sold some shyt some who didn't, hearing some agents speak
I just realized I'm superior in my thinking and my ability, as well as hustle
Its a lot brothers out here trying to do shyt man, once I put it out there that I had these plugs people been getting at me, nikkaz that even went to Harvard shyt, but they talk crazy, they dont understand we gotta be on some Game of Thrones shyt fukking with these big money crackers. I sought out other writers, because writing is hard and time consuming, but most dudes out here can't cut it out because their logic is fukked up.
Last guy a met with wanted to write a script for a Batman, with Spike Lee as the director, and have shot in Detroit. I looked at him wit the

I told warner brothers arleady got somebody writing them movies, but he didn't understand shyt I was talking about. He was an oreo from grosse pointe had a degree from Harvard but was a dumb ass who thought his shytty ideas were good.
I met the real life Ari Gold, not the person the character was based on, but some cracker who acted just like this nikka. He cussing motherfukkers out with his little son there in confernce hall, crushing people dreams shyt, and a lot of people are just dumb and they don't understand what they doing so I can see how you can get frustrated and go off, but the disrespect this dude was showing was unbelievable, shyt was hilarious.
Trust me, when this shyt drop, or when its announce, you going to know it's me and I wanna be dapped up cuz my racks up.
Its a lot talented black actors out here, beautiful black actresses, but if nobody's writing roles they can play how they ever going to get any jobs.
shyt I gotta a role for Beyonce in this shyt, not because she's a good actress, but she's fine as fukk and is the biggest female star out there. Bottom line this shyt is about bread, and that's what I'm about and that's why I will win.