They ought to try some crusades or something... this systematic racism is kicking our ass all across the forest.
While you keyboard revolutionaries talk that the teachings of Christianity teaches Black People to be passive and accept status as 2nd class citizens.......meanwhile in Reality the Black Church literally mobilized and started the Civil Right Movement that got Black People equal rights in America
This seems pretty simple to me. Anyone want to logically argue against this?
The black church may have been somewhat involved, but they did not put in work like the Black Panthers.
Also, those civil rights activists who worked with the church aren't necessarily indoctrinated with white jesus brainwashing, they're just working with programs trying to help black people.
And say what you want, that bible was brought to Africa for a reason. Trayvon's parents forgiving George Zimmerman is conditioning that comes from somewhere...use your fukkin brain.
Do you think that black churches especially in the south should or should not have armed security to deter/prevent further attacks?
Just gonna throw out that Muslims enslaved us for hundreds of years and the Arab slave trade was worse
Than the Atlantic slave trade but nikkas be on Muslims nuts...