Right! For women in impoverished circumstances, education provides an avenue for them to attend to their survival needs without having a share a man for his resources. It isn’t that education changes a woman’s nature as much as it merely provides alternatives to the starve or share a dikk dichotomy.Dire straits =/= not invested in one's education. A girl might be two yrs in at a state school, but prettier than she is smart.
Your whole side dikk scenario is cool or whatever, but, speaking as a woman who is supported by a man, it's not reality. In fact, for some, the inherent power imbalance only adds to the experience (for both, or in this case, all participants).
Further, I would imagine that Akon chose his women with some understanding of this dynamic. He simply wouldn't have chosen a woman who thought like you. (I mean no offense, ijs.) These women know exactly what they signed up for and the consequences of non compliance.
As for the side dikk, I won’t say too much more about that. Just suffice it to say research has actually revealed that a lot of these kids daddies ain’t actually they daddies. And some foreign chicks have told me that’s a major issue kept on the low in a lot of 3rd world communities, especially those without resources to do DNA testing.
To be really real, side dudes themselves can tell u the most about this dynamic but that’s another story. Regardless, if a woman has better options (and hell sometimes just gets interested in different options) sharing one dude won’t be the move especially when faced with the prospect of giving up male attention and interactions with other men for a fraction of one.
People try to equate side chick culture to polygamy but those women have multiple men in many cases in addition to their baby daddies. Totally different dynamic.
Also totally no offense sis!I already know I couldn’t jive with Akon. Hell part of the reason WHY I work so hard is so that I don’t have to devolve into sharing community dikk for rent and bags.
May a chick never have to eat a dikk to pay rent.(Unless she likes it...in that case let ur freak flag fly.)