People pinning money to their clothes on their birthday, to let random strangers know its their birthday, so they can acknowledge the person with more money for their clothes...

......genius...maybe a lil ratchet...still intriguing..........never seen this phenonmenon anywhere else.....??
Never seen guys do it though...only women and children out here............
*looks for safety pin*
be4 i had the legal battle to get custody of my lil boy...
whenever i got em...we goto the mall...stores or somethin...he was like 3-4 at the time..
he would ask for money to get some cookies or some shyt.n i sit at a table..til he get back..near by..
the 10 bucks i gave em...done turned into like 200 dollars...he give me the 10....back...then be like lets goto game stop...i was to busy laughin to even get mad at em..
be4 we even leave the store he got like 3-400 bucks in 10s n 20s..
and it be some fine ass women doin it too...
he did it with a girlfriend a couple of times...they go make a quick outside or somethin...be4 he leave he pins some money on em...her dumb ass put 50 on em...not knowin his birthday came in went..
they comeback..he got a gang of money...she go u aint doin nuthin for lil wreck bday...i go huh..she go today his birthday
he in the corner like

im goin

that shyt works big time with lil kids...i crack up when is see grown ass adults..doin it...