I don't live in that area but i occasionally go there on weekends with friends. We went to cle pool party today by capital bar and homeless ppl were everywhere parking lot pimping
Soon as you walked out there were at least 5 walkin up in down lookin to holla at you for doe like broke dudes would holla at a chick leavin a club they couldn't get into. If you valet park, they'll be waiting to ask for money bc they know you had to pay 10 or 20 to park. At night you'll see 'em sleepin on the ground or pushing they cart... or congregating to the bar/club areas to ask ppl standing in line for cash.
Or posted up at at a cvs/walgreens so they can ask everyone who goes in or out. They do this in the galleria area too.
They largely harmless (or at least they don't want smoke with me) but it's very noticeable and a damn shame
I was at Clé on Saturday too....pretty dope party. My people on Instagram asked if I was in Houston or Vegas.

But yeah I insist on valet parking if I go anywhere in that area - Clé, Capitol, Proof, etc.