House of Cards - Season 4 (Official Thread)


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Jun 15, 2012
caught up on episode 3:

Claire really treating her momma like a piece of garbage. I'm starting to think Claire is the more evil of the Underwoods.

That ending scene between Claire & OG Frank. Damn he can act his ass off. That was straight emotion. I read an article this week where Robin said he can turn on his character so quick and poised.


Graphic Alchemist
Jun 3, 2012
All over the place downright atrocious season...

I don't even want to know how Frank's going to spin out of that Herald story which effectively buried him...I am 100% sure its going to be implausible and nonsensical like this entire season was...

:what:@ first lady running for VP on the presidents ticket...

:what: @ trying to use ISIS leader to talk his goons out of decapitating prisoners...There aren't enough words to express how unbelievably fukking stupid that entire angle was...

:what:@ the secretary of state backing down so easily from Franks threat when she had the complete upper hand in that situation...Even if he did kill those folks (which he did) how the fukk is he going to make you, the SECRETARY OF STATE disappear after you publicly go against him? How can Frank possibly get that done without drawing all the suspicion towards himself with all that motive?:martin:
The Clintons offed a few people, Ron Brown being one of them.

The assassination of Ron Brown
Published: 09/29/2004 at 1:00 AM
Jack Cashill About | Email | Archive
Jack Cashill is an Emmy-award winning independent writer and producer with a Ph.D. in American Studies from Purdue. His latest book is "Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism."
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Editorโ€™s note: In his extraordinary new DVD documentary, โ€œMega Fix,โ€ Emmy-award-winning filmmaker Jack Cashill traces the roots of Sept. 11 to the political exploitation of terror investigations by the Clinton White House in the desperate 1995-1996 election cycle. This 8-part series began in Oklahoma City and now moves on to Croatia.

The โ€œMega Fixโ€ DVD is available now at Jack Cashillโ€™s website.

On April 4, 1996, the subject of my radio show in Kansas City was Commerce Secretary, Ron Brown. He and 34 others had died the day before when their Air Force plane crashed into a Croatian mountainside.

Not one to shy from exploitation of a tragedy, President Clinton was busily profaning the memory of Martin Luther King โ€“ who had been killed on April 4, 1968 โ€“ by comparing Kingโ€™s mission to Brownโ€™s.

What Clinton did not say was that Brown had gone to Croatia to broker a sweetheart deal between the neo-fascist strongman who ran Croatia, Franjo Tudjman, and Enron Corporation. This was all part of the Clintonsโ€™ desperate drive to raise money for their 1996 re-election campaign.

More than a few callers argued that the Clintons had the plane destroyed. I dismissed these arguments out of hand. I believed then, and believe now, that an American president would never do such a thing.

When I began my investigation for my book, โ€œRon Brownโ€™s Body,โ€ I thought, however, that I might very well find another link in the Mega Fix chain โ€“ that is, the cover-up of a terrorist incident for the sake of political advantage.

Brownโ€™s flight did leave Bosnia, a Muslim country swarming with mujahideen. This flight came just six months after the Dayton accords and the insertion of American troops โ€“ an unpopular move. I figured that if a terrorist missile shot Brownโ€™s plane out of the sky, or a hijacker flew it into the mountain, the Clinton White House would have good cause to conceal this fact.

But I was wrong. The evidence does not support a terrorist scenario. Here is what we know for sure about Ron Brownโ€™s last days.

  • To protect his son Michael from prison, Ron Brown threatens to expose the White Houseโ€™s yet unrevealed Asian fund-raising scheme, in which Brown played a major role.
  • Just weeks before his death, Brown starts going to church for the first time in his life. He is scared for his life and that of his confidante, Nolanda Hill.
  • The Croatian government insists on a Dubrovnik stop an unprecedented 36 hours before Brownโ€™s scheduled landing.
  • The Enron executives take their own plane.
  • The Air Force calls the pilotโ€™s nearly two-mile deviation into a Croatian hillside โ€œinexplicable.โ€ No aircraft has ever drifted inland before at that airport. The AWACS data suggest sabotage of the ground-based navigation system, a line of inquiry that the Air Force is not allowed to pursue.
  • For the first time ever on friendly soil, the White House orders the Air Force to skip the โ€œsafetyโ€ phase of the investigation and move directly to the โ€œaccidentโ€ phase. There is to be no consideration other than accident, even though this airport is near the Bosnian border and in a potential hot-fire zone.
  • Three days after the crash and two days before his scheduled interview by the Air Force, the Croatian responsible for the airportโ€™s navigation system is found with a bullet hole in his chest.
  • A day later, every pathologist who views Brownโ€™s body concludes his head wound, at the very least, looks like a bullet hole. In a decision that reached the White House, there is to be no autopsy. The Brown family is not informed. Nor is there any forensic testing or a search for an exit wound.
  • The head x-rays that show a possible โ€œlead snowstormโ€ are destroyed. Officially, theyโ€™re lost.
  • The three Armed Forces pathologists and the forensic photographer who blow the whistle on this case have their careers destroyed.
  • In silencing these dissidents, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology brass assure the public that Brown died of โ€œmultiple blunt force injuriesโ€ like the others. The death certificate says otherwise. It notes that Brown died of โ€œblunt force injuries to the head.โ€ He was the only one of the 35 victims to have a reported head wound.
  • Franjo Tudjman, who has feared a trip to the Hague as a war criminal, shows up a week after the election at the Walter Reed Army Hospital to have his cancer treated.
  • His son, Miroslav, investigates the death of the navigation chief and rules it a suicide.
The evidence strongly suggests that Ron Brown was, in fact, assassinated. In the most likely scenario, Croatian intelligence agents coerce the navigation chief into sabotaging the airportโ€™s non-directional radio beacon. After the plane crashes, they divert the rescue efforts, go to the crash site and administer a coup de grace to Brown, who may already be dead. Three days later, they murder the airportโ€™s navigation chief lest the Air Force investigators persuade him to talk.

Who commissioned the Croatians is not known, although the list of suspects is small. If the commission came from Washington, it likely did not include the destruction of the aircraft.

Although not technically โ€œterrorism,โ€ the Mega Fix paradigm works here just the same: The White House undermines the investigation and exploits the political advantage. The Clintons do not want to know the truth about Ron Brownโ€™s death, and they certainly do not want to share it. In this case, it is impossible to lay the blame on the FBI. That much-maligned agency is not involved.

This time, the Clintons use a reluctant Air Force and a nearly mutinous Armed Forces Institute of Pathology to bury Ron Brown as quickly as possible, literally and figuratively. They exploit Brownโ€™s death for political advantage and leave the truth buried with him. Without an autopsy or a serious investigation, that is where it remains to this day.

On April 14 โ€“ four days after Brownโ€™s funeral โ€“ Clinton watches in shock as his buddy Greg Norman blows a six-stroke lead in the final round of the Masters, the greatest choke in the tournamentโ€™s history.

โ€œYes,โ€ Clinton tells press aide, Mike McCurry, โ€œthatโ€™s going to be the new theme for the campaign, that weโ€™re not going to allow ourselves to be Greg Normanized.โ€

Clinton is horrified in a way few around him can understand. โ€œWe could have a major crisis go bad on us,โ€ he frets constantly. Clinton knows something his staff does not: Ron Brownโ€™s death has spared him just such a crisis. โ€œGreg Norman,โ€ he repeats to his staff. โ€œGreg Norman.โ€