Meles is far more insidious than Haile Mariam because at least the latter instituted and strengthened a national pan African ideology. And he also built the infrastructure on which the TPLF were able to liberalize effectively without mass privatization. They repackaged the Derg ideology as racist Tigray supremacy over the region as their British and Italian masters once promised them. Tigray people are great people and our family but their leadership has been some of the most horrific times in our entire history.
If the Somalis on this forum railing against Abiy spent 4 mns reading primary sources on the absolute mayhem unleashed by the TPLF including mass rapes etc that radicalized a generation, they wouldn’t be so predictably partisan.
if that’s what they did in a foreign country one need only to imagine the hellacious torture they instituted on every single group from the Christian Amhara to Muslim Harrari. Every single group in the region has a grievence against the ethnofascist regime.
I would think that any reasonable observation of any situation involving this many people would first take into account the voices of those people rather than crass geopolitical realism.
That’s what makes the situation so frustrating and lightweight creepy. It’s to the point that I’ve completely shunned the media. These a$$holes are the same ones from D.W. to Al Jazeera, that made documentaries and exposés about the TPLF just for them to turn around and become State Department News. There’s literally selective reporting and at times flat out misinformation. All this so they can turn around later and say “Oops, guess we were wrong….”
I can understand the partisan nature of Somalis. We barely even resolved shyt from the Ahmad Gragn days so suspicions will always be there. But it’s all too clear to me that all of our countries working separately will always been vulnerable to outside meddling. It’s literally the story of East Africa for the past several hundred years. My dream is for all of us to realize our common heritage and get rid of the divisive outsider elements. Even if that never happens, there at least has to be a realization of the prudence of supporting Ethiopia in this struggle since it’ll effect Somalia as well.
The so called free world is saying that the people of East Africa are not allowed to do anything except suffer under the fascism of the neocolonial poodle of choice. So far, the misinformation and overall lack of coverage is working in the West’s favor but once more groups start to see the very obvious geopolitical jostling going on right now they’ll quickly begin to turn on this cleverly crafted narrative that the TPLF and that slimy weasel Getachew Reda have designed.
I think no matter what happens I am absolutely done with this government in general. There needs to be a complete overhaul of this trash system in America because if it were concerned with people and not pissing contests with China we might not even have this situation going on.
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