It's called expectations
When a game like ff16 is being called a goty contender or exceptional I expect to see something amazing or something that put it above it peers in the AAA space. So far I have not seen anything from ff16 that is exceptional.
The writing and dialogue is ass. Lot of those characters in that ff16 SOP came off laughable and cringe.The graphics are inconsistent. The combat and the boss battles seems good.
Since we are in a Horizon forbidden west thread, Compare the characters Volma and Hakund and their back and forth dialogue in chainscrape
To the bullshyt dialogue and characters in that Final Fantasy 16 state of play
Volma and Hakund comes off as natural and human
The final fantasy characters are just laughable. it is as if the developers googled "how did cool white people look and talk in medival Europe" and they were linked to a reddit page.
What makes this comparison worst is that Hakund and Volma are just minor npcs. It get even worst when you compare the writing and characterization of major side character like Kotallo to those final fantasy characters
They are being outclassed in alot of major areas by Guerilla fukking Games, Sony's B team.
Alot of critics and gamers criticize the far zenith plot and characters as being ridiculous but they are perfectly fine and are extremely exciting about the bad writing and awful characters of final fantasy 16. This is what I meant when I said it will be a non exceptional, solid title that will be overrated due to the fact it is a legacy ip.