Homeowners fuming after receiving increased property tax assessments


All Star
Feb 6, 2017
they actually do give a "cut" on property taxes. there are various exemptions and they even lower the assessment when the value goes down. so it seems fair to me. i've had my taxes lowered based on the market, won appeals based off actual paperwork and not just "i don't want to pay" and also had tax doubled based on the market. so it jusy varies year to year

i get it, i don't be wanting to pay extra either but i'm not gonna act like homeownership is supposed to be some neverending occurence of wins that is owed to me.... a lot of people will warn you that homeownership has cons, some even call it a money pit lol.

just know what you are doing and be ready :ye:
Could you give examples of these appeals and throw out some arbitrary numbers on these tax cuts?

Examples of your experience?

I’m genuinely curious and want to do some research.

the last part of your post says, “just know what you are doing and be ready”

I get what you’re saying. I really do.

most ppl are clueless tho. It’s so many older ppl losing houses where I’m from, because they don’t know about gov’t programs or tax breaks. shyt is fukked up. It’s kinda like the ppl that do know, are telling them to grip their bootstraps and pull themselves up.

No. This shyt is totally different out here.
That’s not the discussion at hand tho

once again. I get what you’re saying but have some empathy. Everybody not as bright as you. Only thing ppl seeing is increased bills but no increase in wages/income. When they do get some extra bread they can’t even enjoy it cuz they behind…and in most cases it’s been like that for a good bit of their adulthood


marshawn lynch handshake
Nov 6, 2012
Could you give examples of these appeals and throw out some arbitrary numbers on these tax cuts?

Examples of your experience?

I’m genuinely curious and want to do some research.

the last part of your post says, “just know what you are doing and be ready”

I get what you’re saying. I really do.

most ppl are clueless tho. It’s so many older ppl losing houses where I’m from, because they don’t know about gov’t programs or tax breaks. shyt is fukked up. It’s kinda like the ppl that do know, are telling them to grip their bootstraps and pull themselves up.

No. This shyt is totally different out here.
That’s not the discussion at hand tho

once again. I get what you’re saying but have some empathy. Everybody not as bright as you. Only thing ppl seeing is increased bills but no increase in wages/income. When they do get some extra bread they can’t even enjoy it cuz they behind…and in most cases it’s been like that for a good bit of their adulthood

Don't play into that bullshyt he/she is posting. People should not have to adjust or plan ahead of time for artificially inflated prices...


Feb 12, 2015
So rent increases were crazy this year too.
Interest rates went up
Property taxes went up
And home values are skyrocketing

What’s the endgame to all of this?! A nation of renters?
Jan 24, 2016
Could you give examples of these appeals and throw out some arbitrary numbers on these tax cuts?

Examples of your experience?
I’m genuinely curious and want to do some research.
the last part of your post says, “just know what you are doing and be ready”
I get what you’re saying. I really do.
most ppl are clueless tho. It’s so many older ppl losing houses where I’m from, because they don’t know about gov’t programs or tax breaks. shyt is fukked up. It’s kinda like the ppl that do know, are telling them to grip their bootstraps and pull themselves up.

Most people just want to complain to get things done, see how the person who responded to you didn't even want you to gain knowledge? smh, you gotta feel bad for our future. the market depends on how much someone is willing to pay for your property or similar properties like that. so it doesn't matter if it's a corporation (which is also a legal person) or an average joe.... whatever they say they will pay = fair market value. you can't just say "that's out of most people's price range so it's not real" lmao. you sound remedial. just like if you were selling your house and a company wanted to buy it.... you think as a homeowner these people are going to say "no Mr. Company, the average joe can't compete with you so I will not sell you my home for double what i'm asking". that's ridiculous. the homeowners is going to tell the next bidder, "hey i got mr. corporate over here bidding 1M, either meet it or lose out". it may not be fair to a little guy, but that's a valid market. :yeshrug: not everybody can afford a tesla stock, that doesn't mean it's an "artifical price" :skip: if you look up the actual definition of "fair market value" the definition is basically what buyers/sellers are willing to pay/sell ... it's not based on feelings lol.

but anyway, lesson number two. on my appeal, i had valid reasons why my property value didn't increase even though other houses near me did.... i have a real shytty neighbor who is a nuisance and a blight (it's actually a company that owns the property too). I took pictures, sent estimates of damage (like how much i would have to pay for extra landscaping because their kudzu weeds took over my yards and fence, how everytime it rains, their dirt ends up pooled in my driveway, etc.), etc and argued that it lowered my property value living next to them. it's all about showing values. like if you sell a car, you gonna look at the interior, mileage, check the carfax. etc... it's basically the same thing with home valuations.

also aside from pointing out things about the value of your house, you can also point out values of other similar houses. go to a source like zillow or the tax office and pull a few recently sold "comparables" to show what the market is going for. if the market is selling high, then you are just going to have to rely on something that makes your specific house different from the market.
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Nov 1, 2015
Coli brehs say Dems want lower taxes for the middle class...
you only believe that if you dont own shyt

did he vote to tax the rich or did he help elect neoliberals who help keep the rich even richer?
dude says @2:3- how they reduced the bills of commericial property owners.

vote progressive if you want actual change.


May 1, 2012
Willie Wilson: Broken promises on property tax relief equal pain for Illinois homeowners and businesses

Illinois legislators voted themselves consecutive pay raises totaling a 22% bump in their salaries since January 2023 — but have consistently failed to fix the unfair property tax system.

In Park Forest, the median bill is up by $2,567 to $7,152, the Tribune reported. In Dixmoor, the bill is up from from $1,073 in 2023 to $1,950 in 2024. A Cook County treasurer’s report found that property taxes rose about $706 million, with homeowners paying an extra $611 million. Commercial properties owe an extra $102.9 million. The increases in the south suburbs disproportionately affect lower-income Black residents.

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
Property tax hikes are the secret killer for equity building. Theyre going up regularly ~10%/year on some propertiies around here. KCK had huge hikes that drove put a lot of residents in regular little houses.

Check out this house 25925 N Rockville Rd, Louisburg, KS 66053 | MLS #2488951 | Zillow

Its been on the market for YEARS and its still vacant (ignore the BS Zillow history). Its been on the market so long they pulled out rhe carpet. That's usually a sign mice moved in and trashed the carpets.

This housing market has to be hwdge fund driven because no normal homeowners would act like this.