If he's a black man no one's going to want to live with him. I've personally been rejected by many prospects.
I have too manyt times. I eventually just had to move in with good friends, but whatever, they like family and it's good having friends as roommates cause atleast I know them and there isn't the stranger dynamic so it's no big deal.
But that['s why I kind of scoffed at that homeless millenial survives homelessness by picking up women every night, that's a prime example of white privilege like that tucker max dude. Black men can't get through all those loops. People are suspiciou8s hateful, and fearful for us as it is without even knowing or interacting with us. Only white males get everybody's guard lowered enough to supercede people's comfort levels and still who makes up the majority of men who rape assalt and kill women? White males.
a backfire.