HOES KILLED HIP HOP...end of story

The Emperor

Paid Agent
Oct 29, 2012
No it wasn't the south...nor the white boys or the illuminati :comeon:


*Hoes didn't wana hear the creativity of a deejay...so bye bye scratching and mixing

*Hoes make up 80% of the urban radio market....so its no wonder a so called hip hop station like Hot 97 or 107.9 in ATL have mostly R&b playlists

*Hoes NOT ladies don't care for complex and deep lyrics..so yes alot of cas DUMB IT DOWN FOE DOLLAS

cause hoes are simple and cheap...so goodbye politically consicious dope lyrical mc and hello buck dancing pseudo thug rappers

*Hoes like HOOKS ....anything catchy cauuse it doesn't challenge. them

*Hoes find GAYS entertaining..which explains hip hop becoming more gay friendly

*Russell Simmons wanted in on the r&b market and pushed the I NEED LOVE BALLADEER Cool J

*Pac told BIG u wanna make money make songs for byatches :manny:

I see your point...
Because I once heard Fab talking about making a album and he was saying "you gotta have a song for the ladies" and then I realized rappers were going out of their way to make a song ladies would like on their albums. shyt would get pushed as a single.

Now let me add one more thing...
The ATL snap Era was an embarrassment...
The fact that Laffy Taffy ever made it to BET somebody should have been shot behind that.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Blame women for the stupidity of men brehs...
It's not so much blaming "women" as it is blaming a specific demographic of females. And those females dont give a fukk about artistry or skills or none of that shyt. And yes. The men are stupid cause they let p*ssy dictate their every movement. Allowing those simple shallow females to have that much power over them.


Nov 18, 2012
Elaborate On this. It sounds reasonable but I'm not sure you have logic behind it more than it just sounding good.

Just pay attention to what women like in terms of movies music and tv. You'll find that if they are really into any of the three 9/10 times its not about the content. The content can suck. It's about an actor they have a crush on or typical drama bs or other cliche stereotyped non unique storytelling Hollywood feeds women over and over. Pay attention to the music they like...9/10 times if a women is truly a fan of an artist and that artist is a male you can bet your ass it's just because they have a crush on them and the content can be pure shyt. You can look at drake, trey, Chris, beetles etc etc any rapper. If a chick likes their content it's just because of catchy shyt and/or they crushing on dude but they never have a true knowledge of lyrical skill and content.


All Star
May 6, 2012
If you don't want call it Illuminati we will call it "the powers that be" they killed hip hop not "hoes"..to convince ppl "hoes" killed hip hop is misleading ppl..These "fake Jews" had a hand in killing hip hop way more then these "hoes"..


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
Anger is a masculine emotion.


As below, so above, as within, so without.

"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes." — The Kybalion.

Way i see it, if you could zoom in and literally see emotions, they would have genders like everything else in the universe. Anger would be a masculine emotion.

Dark Matter(plasma)/Matter

Gender on every plane of existence.

On the emotional level/plane / within your emotional matrix / among all the other emotions, Anger represents masculine.

The function of the masculine is to maintain existence(Ma'at) from above(without)(outside). The function of the feminine is to maintain existence from below(within)(inside).

The concept of "Protection" when stripped down, is maintaining the nature of something in the face of outside influence. That's why men for instance constantly defend against undue change. It's our job to maintain structure and we're psychologically designed to that effect.

Nurturing is doing the same thing as protecting, but from the inside. Maintaining existence (Ma'at) from within.

In the Ancient dogon (whose bloodline runs from Kemet(egypt) - sumeria - ethiopia - sudan - dogon - west africa) understanding of the universe, The Planet us modern humans refer to as earth was originally a hydrogen crystal that splintered off from a star modern scientists call sirius b. Whole point of me even saying all this "weirdo shyt" is to make the point that The planet, made of H2O and Earth, comes from Hydrogen.

Humans are made of blood and bone. blood's function is to nurture. Bone maintains structure. In prenatal development, the infant starts out as blood cells first.

Humans are made up of men and women. Women usher both onto humanity's plane of existence.

So throughout each plane of existence, Both masculine and feminine come together to form a whole or in other words initiate creation. The function of the feminine is to usher creation into that plane of existence. All forms of masculinity are defined by structure and aim to maintain it, whereas feminine, being the opposite, is formless and yielding to change. This is why with humans for example, women can't make up their minds. This is why they are they way they are in terms of choices in males and emotions, etc. They are psychologically amorphous, so to speak. That's not meant to be derrogatory. If a woman approaches you, and feels like she came on too strong, and might have instigated you thinking that the two of you are inching towards being a "thing", the next day she will act cold to restore that formlessness. It also explains why women always talk about being "free", or having "all options". It explains why whenever a man details his experiences of female behavior, a woman will argue with him about it. Hearing a man say what a woman is or isn't, gives sense of restriction by way of categorization that disagrees with her on a fundamental level, WHETHER SHE BELIEVES THE MAN IS RIGHT OR NOT. This is the prime reason why a man arguing with a woman is a waste of time. And also why she won't respect you for arguing with her as a man. Now on the other hand, two men arguing won't inspire loss of respect. With that she'll get turned on, whether she admits it or not. It's also why women in decades haven't able to teach men how to treat a woman, cause it entails self definition in a way that is limiting and by virtue of their nature they cannot get over that psychological hump.

Which is why in some posts on the board, you'll see me say "Men are earth, women are water."

Water takes the shape of it's Earthen container. You take an earthen substance (metal, wood, etc. all which come from the earth) and make a shape with it, a bottle, a land depression, a bowl, and put water in it? The water will take whatever shape the earth is made of.

but water will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, on it's own, out of nowhere, take the shape of a bottle, or a bowl, or whatever. Even with the water in the ocean. What causes tsunami's? Does the water just rise on it's own out of nowhere? No. It's caused by sudden shifts in movement of the Earth."

Apply that natural principle to humanity. The only way women of a society will behave a certain way, is if the men of that society come together as a group and decide. "This is how society is going to be. This is our code of conduct among one another. This is what we will and will not tolerate, according to these principles." The behavior of the women will fall within the definition of that structure.

(English language i'm using is an european corruption/derrivative of original african language, and language means things. it affects how what you mean ends up being percieved. So you'll notice i didn't use the word "leadership.")

The only way women as a group will not engage in cheating and keep it as secrets among their friends, is if men as a group say "i'm not fukking the next man's girl"

Women are water, and water takes the shape of it's earthen container. Our society's container is european. So, the women's behavior follows the european model. From physical appearance to general demeanor, sexual behavior, etc. If you wish to change that, that container must be done way with. Don't think by turning to focus on the women and using harsh language and videos and blogs you're going to persuade them. They won't even understand what you're trying to do.

Women being like water is why they move freely between states of being, and it's exhibited on all planes, visible or non visible to humans. Be it dress (changing outfits and hairstyles every week), sexuality (that's a whole conversation in of itself), et. cetera. It is the masculine that defines what will be or not, within the unit(male/female coming together to form a whole, or in the human sense, "society"). The european's function is to render us spiritually dead, which is why our women (and anyone psychologically emphatic/feminine in a high amount regardless of gender) naturally yield to and cannot understand our vehement disagreement with certain cultural changes, why we don't just yield to them, be it dance, sexuality, et. cetera.

Masculinity needs to be developed rigorously over time. If you took a time machine, and went back tens of thousands of years ago to the location of a current diamond mine(earth), you would see coal. Where we now see mountains we might see mere hills. But the Water of those years ago? Is the exact same water we drink bathe in and utilize now. So masculinity has to develop into itself over time. Femininity for the most part doesn't; it simply is. We see a physical example of this in humanity with sexual(gender) physiological development. Men have to literally "work out" to develop the appearance of men or else it never happens. Women's physiology doesn't follow those logistics. It's the same as the non physical aspects of masculinity and femininity as well. Which is why men had intense rights of passage into manhood, training to fufill their purpose as maintainers of Ma'at, defenders from units(family and other) from above/without. That was corrupted into what we now know as school. Which is why "school" was a male institution. For female, It's not that they didn't go to "school" as well, but because they were to maintain the family unit from within, their "school" was physically done "within" in the literal sense, or in the home. Europeans historically and to this day corrupt original systems(both on a physical and a nonphysical/dogmatic level) and point to the flaws in the corruption as a reason why the original system is flawed and must be destroyed. They then take over.

The reason why women can't disagree with feminism, and men can't win an argument against it, is because the logistics of feminism are alligned perfectly with the natural psychology of the feminine. It is femininity in ideological form. It takes the formlessness of the feminine principle and defines it as nature for both male and female(do whatever you want.) Which is why even when women disagree with a certain behavior logically, the have a hard time expressing that disagreement. It's an internal conflict. The logistics of feminism also imply that any male who is in disagreement with that psychology is the enemy. But men by nature are defenders of Maat against external influence, and will disagree with bullshyt, whereas women by nature yield to change. Which means any man that is truly masculine, is in natural opposition to "feminism", which is a corrupt ideology by nature. It also means that as long as men maintain their masculinity, Proponents of "feminism" will never run out of opponents. but women need men to be men, so feminism has men as an eternal boogeyman to feed off of. They will forever hate men, because the european has taught them that the way men naturally are psychologically, shouldn't exist.

This is how the Europeans function when observed as a unit. This is what they do and how they operate. Something this grand, this elaborate, doesn't just happen "incidentally."It isn't "taught." It's in their design.

But to come back around...:pachaha: within your matrix of emotions that come together at your birth, Anger is a masculine emotion. The job of the masculine is to protect. A male and female come together as a unit, and become husband and wife, and the husband's job is to protect the wife. Anger's function is to protect your vulnerabilities, your feminine emotions, if you will. When a wife is attacked, the husband will lash out in protection or to eliminate the threat so the wife is never attacked again. When your feminine emotions are attacked, anger comes out to protect them. The more vulnerable and open to attack a man's wife is, the more protective he will be. The more vulnerable and open to attack your feminine emotions are, the more anger(masculine) you will have as a person as a defense. Which is why the most emphatic people have the worst "tempers". Celebrity examples = Kanye West, Azaelia Banks, Zoe Saldana, Jill Scott, etc.

I was gonna type more but it's been a few hours and i'm tired:pachaha: I had to get this shyt of my chest i hate this shyt really. I do better expressing face to face...



Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
Daam..where was I when this thread was made..

I was coming in to debate this because I have a whole conspiracy about the labels and rap music..but.

I feel women where excluded out of the progression, for the fact it was a mans sport.

Now,coupled with the commercial aspect of a newfound revenue stream for the majors, the music was then proceeded to be marketed at specific demo based on the lyrics and beat.

Everyone ones that women are the biggest consumers of music.

So, after a while the popular format began to take hold in rap music production, because labels wanted to program a particular music to the masses


HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
Daam..where was I when this thread was made..

I was coming in to debate this because I have a whole conspiracy about the labels and rap music..but.

I feel women where excluded out of the progression, for the fact it was a mans sport.

Now,coupled with the commercial aspect of a newfound revenue stream for the majors, the music was then proceeded to be marketed at specific demo based on the lyrics and beat.

Everyone ones that women are the biggest consumers of music.

So, after a while the popular format began to take hold in rap music production, because labels wanted to program a particular music to the masses
