Sup Woat
:selfether:Sup Woat
Pretending to be black and his typical post being "fukk you bytch (insert Trump or Hillary smiley)."Someone tell me the case for Cactain aside from being a Trump supporter, I'm not that familiar.
I don't give a fukk pink fakkit:theymad:-10
Given: A moment ago
CACtain Planet commented: (fukk you bytch)
And true to the passive-aggressiveness inherent in his race, he daps my post and negs me.
Negging on sight from now on
Pretending to be black."
I don't give a fukk pink fakkit:theymad:
Yo this nikka's trying to pull a trump:selfether:
I dont know these people...someones busing in voters ...
Nap was obnoxious with the tweets and his autistic neo liberalism is the most pathetic thing ive seen in years but he does believe in his position(sadly) and he does make some good threads(by accident)
Cactain planets Trump stanning is ridiculous but realistically hes not much worse than some of the die hard Hillary stans
88m3 embodies the worst qualities of all the other frontrunners but all rolled into one smarmy narcissistic package while grunting out spontaneous steaming kosher one liners
Recipts Apu:Mephistopheles:I know that, I said this trait its inherent to your race.
The more I'm quoted/mentioned the better, like #TrumpSet:theymad:Yo this nikka's trying to pull a trump, posting mjlols and other emotes when you get exposed, this is the coli equivalent of trump bullshytting his way out of a scandal lmfao
Recipts Apu:Mephistopheles:
nikkas really underrating how awful 88 threads were during election season...
We were debating on if his thread making abilities should be revoked...
In several rural counties that thekingsmen won last year, Cac is winning this time. Turnout for Napoleon is low in these places. Maybe he failed to inspire them.