Well I'm Pro-Black and I think marginalizing ANY group of Black folk because they don't meet a numerical cut-off is silly and dumb.
You are pro-idiot, not pro black. Mexicans are Mestizos. That's who you'll meet 99%+ of the same, the same as you would meet whites 99%+ of the time in Europe. You might also meet a mixed person in Europe too but they don't represent the average European like any Afro Mexican doesn't represent Mexican. Average Mexican has never even seen a black person and is like 60-70% cac.
I know Africans who view AAs as Europeanized and no different than a White American. Distinguishing demographics is important.
Distinguishing a less than 1% mixed population in a population 99% white or Mestizo, and arguing against castigating the racist majority for the benefit of that less-than-1%, is wrongheaded and stupid. It's like refusing to talk down Germany because 200k Germans have some black ancestry. This is the usual chicancery from you so I'm not surprised.
AAs should be linking up with ALL Westernized Blacks. If you want to rightfully criticize mestizos then go for it but acknowledge your Black brothers and sisters trapped in White supremacy in Mexico.
No one is "marginalizing" any group of black folks. For all intents and purposes there are no blacks in Mexico. It is a Mestizo country. There are perhaps some people mixed with black here and there, but we are talking at below a 1% level. The other 99.5% of Mexicans are just white or Mestizo, and they're becoming a thorn in the side of African Americans. There is no reason nikkas need to tolerate their bullshyt.