The Nigerian
The Realest Member of TheColi
Most white supremacists have mastered this.She's full of shyt and has a point at the same damn time
Most white supremacists have mastered this.She's full of shyt and has a point at the same damn time
She basically gave them theface the whole time... kept nodding, saying "mmm hmm" like, "wrap it up" then basically told them that LGBT got stuff done because they had an agenda.
She basically gave them theface the whole time... kept nodding, saying "mmm hmm" like, "wrap it up" then basically told them that LGBT got stuff done because they had an agenda.
Energy is great but without a rudder the ship can't get anywhere particular.
I was all piss and vinegar when I was young. Eager to get the mic and ramble.
Quiet now. Make your moves and only speak when necessary.
As I said in HL
The Gay and Lesbian community approached their goals a certain way and they got them achieved
People spend a lot of time hating them without realizing that the disdain you have for gays and lesbians is the same disdain that whites have for blacks, it just manifests itself in a different way so you motherfukkers are fooled.
Come up with some concrete shyt to present to them.
They could have easily said "If you want our vote we need some assurance that you will push for a mandatory federal law that states that all local and state law enforcement must wear bodycams"
Force her to say it. Force her to make it an aspect of her campaign.
nikkas don't understand politics and they have too much pride and ego to admit it, but then got the nerve to complain about other groups accomplishing their goals.
A presidential candidate and lifelong politician responding to a group of people effectively saying "STOP SYSYEMATICALLY KILLING US" with
"What do you want me to do" is purposefully obtuse to the problem and is literally playing dumb to the problem. I don't know, Mrs. Policymaker, we just don't want to die. You explain what YOU want to do to earn my vote.
cause that's how this is SUPPOSED TO WORK
GROUP SAYS "I HAVE PROBLEM" - taxes too high, schools are bad, I need a new bridge, I want to feel safe.
The politician says "I hear you, this is how I will address it"
Why do black people have to do the work and create the plan here? Nobody else ever does. What we want is to NOT DIE and FEEL SAFE. start there and YOU tell ME what you're going to do.
Exactly. No political movement gets any actual movement without an agenda, without goals, without a plan and a mission. Look what happened to Occupy Wall Street which caused a lot of ruckus and then died out because they didn't have a plan pass causing a ruckus. Tell her why you want her audience other than saying your voice matters, tell her what you want her to do when she's in office rather than trying to get her to admit that she and her husband were responsible for a lot of ills in our criminal justice system. Tell her what you want to be fixed and how you propose your group, while working with her, can change it. She understands politics, and that's how politics works. Just going around shouting and interrupting gets you nothing. I'm not a fan of the tea party in the slightest but I know what they stand for for the most part and how they want to get it accomplished. Martin Luther King was strategic in how he helped lead the civil rights movement. He understood where to go, who to talk to, how legislation worked and how policy is changed. That scene in Selma with he and his partners sitting in a family room talking about what their agenda is in order for him to go back to LBJ with concrete plans? That's what politics is the majority of the time. It's not sexy, it's not interrupting rallies and having marches; it's forming agendas so that when you get an audience with the people in charge, you know what you want and how you want to achieve it.
People didn't see Gay Marriage happening either but here we are in 2015 and two women or men can get hitchedOnly way a Federal Law can affect state laws is through an act of congress or through the Supreme they would have to add an Amendment to the Constitution or rule an existing state law is Unconstitutional.
I don't see that happening for body cams.
Finally joining the waveGotta get out this sad ass country lol