VictorVonDoom and 88m3 are the worst poster in this forum and its no contest but i think 88m3 edges him out for the fact he makes jokes about babies getting their heads ripped off and you guys joke and laugh with him when he posts satanic filth. Dont know why i'd be in the runnings when you have these 2 individuals posting trash on a daily basis.
And i thought we were friends you guys, hmmm i guess i have more work to do. I notice a lot of my haters have a lot in common
1. you dont believe in God Christian or Muslim
2. you defend homosexuals
3. you believe lizards turn into birds
4. you get up in arms about restrictions of freedom in 3rd world countries and give unmentionable blurbs when its done in your own country
5. In such a big world your range of social topics are very limited and restricted to whats on fox news/cnn/msnbc religion/gay rights
I mainly get into disagreements with you guys primarily around issues revolving homosexuality and god yet the memories of these conversations have put me in the worst poster runnings. Yea, when you look at things like this i think its fair to understand the type of people you're dealing with so if im the worst poster among a band of demons, its not surprising but it is so demonic, friends.